*See's Voyager7456(MM) in the distance running...*
"Get back here!!!"
*Runs like a fast dude that runs alot*
"Stop running!!!"
*Slows down and starts walking*
"Oh for get it! I'm just gonna walk"
*makes the bar invisible so that nuke and brute cant find it again*
*stares outside of window laughing and sees people gathering in front of the bar, pointing and laughing*
"What's so funny?"

*doesnt realize that the bar became transparent, and so did the clothes that we had on.. o-0*
*Voyager7456(MM) turns around.
*Voyager7456(MM) quickly turns back the other way.
*Voyager7456(MM) continues running even faster.
*rams into Voyager after drinking the margarita*
"HULK SMASH...um..I mean..POWERFUL BEAT THE **** OUT OF-damn not original either..uh..Can you get back to me?"
*Voyager7456(MM) sits on the ground waiting...
*Syphon conjures up some pants.
"Stop trying to see my sexy buns"
"Looks like somone is laughing at you Syphon."
"And that girl on the left, I found out that it isn't a girl. The hard way."
*Wilhelm gets a room with said crossdresser*
*gets implanted with a virus*
"Ahhh! Everyone chooses, why being I, it is? Ohio state, I in order destroying the people who entirely oppose to him to come, ask Giygas exactly! Then entirely it is regrettable!"
*The start donkey which should seek Giygas in order to kick everyone*
*Syphon Points to starman.
*Starman bursts into pudding.*
"I think that should put him out of his missery.
*Comes down from the stairway to heaven, and kills Syphon.
*Gets job as janitor*
"Not again, Syphon how many time do I have to tell you not to do that!"
"I'm afraid I can't control my powers, dave."
*Eats everyone and everything in the bar.
*Goes to bathroom and takes shiz
"The bar is all mine, now."

*walks in the bar
*trips on the stairs
*hits cronus killing him

"so uh.. can i get a drink?"
*throws a hand grenade into the basement where sayoka is (since you said you tripped down the stairs and the only stairs in the bar leads to the basement)*
*locks the basement door*
"how's that for a drink?"
*gets plummeted by hundreds of sunflower seeds thrown by hamsters for making that really sad and pathetic joke*
*dies from being hated on by mr. ex*

how could you......"
[center]*Looks at the people outside laughing*
"You just started laughing NOW?"
"I've been naked for weeks!"
*Pushes random buttons, causing a large explosion in northern Brazil*[/center]
*Hangs out with Dave the janitor.* "You should grow a mustache. All janitors should grow mustaches. There's no such thing as women janitors, by the way." *Plays some ping pong with Syphon's head, but replaces the ball with an ostrich.*
*knifes Dave, the no-mustached Janitor*
"That's what you get punk. Everyone knows janitors always have mustaches"
"Ya, it's like, in the janitor handbook."
"So..uh..Wilhelm..Want to play ping-pong with Dave's head"
*takes out the radio*
"Time to set the mood"
*turns on the radio, but it plays the Barney song*
"Damn...wrong one...You never heard that"
*switches to the Samurai movie music*
"There we go"