*Syphon annihalates powerful with magic heat ray.*
"Who wants to come seal clubbing?"
*burns up and turns into a ghost*
"NOOOO!!! I'M A GHOST AGAIN! Cool I can nuke stuff!"
*begins to make a nuke placement on Wilhelm*
"Nuclear Launch Detected...kekekekekekekekekeke"
*watches as the nuke falls*
*runs to the impact*
"Hey..where's Wilhelm's as-"
*Luckly, Wilhelm's new 'fro is funky enough to absorb near ANY attack, so any nukes etc would have no affect.* "Can you dig it?!" *
"No takers for teh seal clubbing expodition?"
"What if the seal steals my club, like in Eskimo Bob?
You snap it's neck, like in those steven segul movies.
"Yep, I'll even demonstrate!"
*snaps his own neck and dies*
*turns into a ghost*
"Yes! I'm now Ghost of Starman, the strongest of all the Starmen!"
*pulls out chainsaw from body and throws it at Syphon like a shuriken"
*Voyager7456(MM) snaps Syphon's neck. "Oops, I thought you were a seal.
*Powerful_Horror revives as a barber
*Powerful_Horror calls an army of barbers
*Powerful_Horror shaves off Wilhelm's 'fro
The fro fights back viciously, and the barbers are defeated!
*Powerful_Horror looks at the hair he cut off
"%$&@! It's Hippy Hair!"
*Powerful_Horror drops the hair
"Meh..screw this"
*Powerful_Horror shoots the fro
*falls down into the basement again*
"OWWWWW....i landed on powerful_horror..."
*Syphon walks in.
"Guys, I don't know if you'll approve, but I've decided to turn the remaining bar into a free-range ... BEAVER FARM!"
*Walls fall away, reveiling 42,000 beavers staring at everyone.*
*nunke kills the 42,000 beavers plus 1*
*kills syphon and he changes into a permanent ghost form*
*walks back into the bar*
"Sorry guys..But I changed the bar into a 99999 beaver hunting farm. All Nukers will be killed..Hunters..TAKE YOUR HANDGUNS!"
*shoots a beaver*
"You should know you can't kill a syphon."
*Syphon shoots beaver.
"You fools! Don't you know beavers are made from condensed crude oil?
*Beavers ignite*
Man, oh man... *Regrow's fro, still a negro*
Oh yeah, let the funk go through your soul, brotha!
*Voyager7456(MM) regenerates into 2 eggs.
"Fool! You cannot stop me!"
"... from having some PIE!"
*Voyager7456(MM) eats pie.
It happens to be Pot Pie... Marijuana... Pot Pie... *Wilhelm digs in.*