Make the move trigger up/down buttons work, those are very important.
Make lower units/sprites appear above the higher ones, like in starcraft.
When you have locations on top of eachother, you sometimes can't select the one you want. In the normal editor it goes with the smaller locations first, so you can click through the bigger ones on top.
Add a way to select all of certain unit or sprite. Like right click -> select all... -> select all of (Marines for P1) or (AnyUnit for Force1) or (Sprite #whatever)
Save all the autosave files to a certain folder. Like Maps/Autosave or something. It's always making autosaves in wierd places. (or I select the autosave file by mistake and it makes antoher one)
Having alot of units/sprites in view gets very laggy, any way to impove the speed?
Oh, and can you flip the left wall traps the right direction?
(or was it the right side ones...?)
Alot of thoes are stuff that has not yet been added, but the buttons and stuff are. Also with the location thing, use the list on the left side.