well, they dont want people being cheap using IT's in the tourney
Reason: Scourges literally give no points. If used right. They can have devestating effects on carriers.
Basically, potential = high points.
Tassadar hero killed off in favor 3 Invincy Infested Terrans hero
Yeah, wtf. Remove reaver and add Tassadar k thanks.
Also, can you lower the morph time? It's ridiculously high.
Yea, the reaver is REAL pointless. Maybe change the extra comsat thing too? I don't find much use of it.
Also lower IT build time or have a way to remove them from queue.
Make Extra comsat thing cost only 1 hero? 2 is too expensive...
umm. No. One is waaaaaaaay too good. I actually use the 2nd scanner. But, I only have the heros to spare if it's a 3v3 game or something. On 2v2, it's much better to save for heal if needed. (Usually, I end the game with like 5 heros, it's awesome)
Okay, I've made version 026c for the tournament. There are only two changes:
» Removed Infested Command Centers. Until Blizzard decides to fix them, they're staying like that.
» Moved player's start locations. When the game starts you will be over your buildings, not in the corners.
This map was strange... When I played with Deathknight and MrrLL and some other people, I was losing pretty bad. But then I used my hero point to get extra units, and then Deathknight started yelling "Hax!" Then I got in the lead of kills (We still lost though)
I like the map... Pretty nice and weird... Let's just leave it at that, I have no suggestions, I like it the way it is...
Oh, you'll have suggestions once you play about 50 more times....still complaining about scourge cost and build time ><
Massing BCs is a bit too strong with their recently reduced cost.
1 group of 12 bcs + 1 group of 24 zerglings (other player gets lings with normal mins) = death
There is a reason bcs cost 700 reasources (400 mins and 300 gas) in starcraft.
Also, even with their advantages scourges are underpowered as well as scouts.
Both of those are almost never used.
Mutilisks are overpowered. I think this should be evident by how often they're used.
They cost 200 reasources in starcraft, but 150 in uberena.
The 2nd comsat hero was my idea, but I found out its crappy.
You should have a hero which raises all energy for every unit you have (So if your group of templars had 30 energy, it would be 250 after the hero you used)
Maybe a semi-larger hero area, for more heroes, meh, only useless are minerals and IT's for me.
Since Uberena matches can get so long and boring how about put up the armour one notch on the overmind and get rid of heal or lower the armour by one and leave the heal. This would make the matches faster in someway. And scouts are overpriced considerng how crap they are.
Long matches are fun. Isn't that the point? Who wants to play a game for only 10 minutes -_-. And there is some strategicness XD new word, used in healing. I have a feeling overmind doesnt have armor.
I just dont like 2 hour matches, about a bit over an hour is the fun mark.
still, about the scourges, even if they give no points, it still would cost like 1350 to bring down a single battlecruiser, and usually people get like 5 bcs if they get any.
>>Scourges: Either lower price by 100, or please make time way faster.
>>All zerg units built time is slower then all other races: Please make them faster, if its possible.
>>Add infested terrans back

>>Maybe a "make all units invisible for 7.5 seconds" or less,more, could cost 2 civs for like 16 seconds or something. I don't know, just more heroes, a larger hero area would be nice.
Buy instant rebuild time once per hero.
ya, bring infested back

Yeah, I have some things I'll want to work on. I'm probably going to put most of my mapping towards some new maps that don't suck. I'll look into some new heroes, crazy things to test, etc.