Heres a Basic IceCC tutorial if you want to add it DT_BK
1. Make sure you have IceCC installed.
2. Go to your Starcraft directory (Deafault is C:\Program Files\Starcraft) and create a new folder called "Infested Barracks".
3. Open IceCC. (Double Click on IceCCUI.Bat, which will bring up command prompt and then IceCC)
WARNING: Do not close the Command Prompt that pops up, it will exit IceCC.4. When it opens, there should be 4 Columns/sections, select the unit that says "Units" and scroll down untill you see Terran Barracks. (It's number 111)
5. Next, while the Barracks is highlighted, click "Decompile", then "Open in Editor".
6. This should bring up a txt file called "Iscript" and the default heading should be..
# This is a decompile of the iscript.bin file 'data\scripts\iscript.bin'
# created on: Tue Jul 12 08:03:23 2005
If this is what it looks like, good job so far.
7. Scroll down to where it says "BarracksInit:" and you should see something along the lines of..
[Tab]playfram 0
[Tab]imgul09 267 0 0 # BarracksShad (terran\tbrShad.grp)
[Tab]goto BarracksWalking
8. Minimize that, then go to your IceCC folder (C:\IceCC\, or wherever you put it) and open up the help file, and then go to "Images.txt"
9. Scroll down untill you find the "Infested Command Center Overlay" (Hint, its number 101)
10. Go back to your "Iscript.txt" and add this change that i made ([Tab] means that there is a tab mark)
[Tab]playfram 0
[Tab]imgul09 267 0 0 # BarracksShad (terran\tbrShad.grp)
[Tab]imgol08 101 0 0
[Tab]goto BarracksWalking
*Please note, mine do not line up like the ones in IceCC, please refrain from copying and pasting11. Save your Iscript.txt file. (it goes to your Deafault IceCC folder)
*Make sure you leave it as "Iscript.txt"12. Open Command prompt. (Start>Run>Cmd or.. Start>Programs>accessories> command Prompt)
13. type "cd C:\IceCC" (WITHOUT THE QUOTATION MARKS!) or if your deafult is something else, then type that.
14. Command Prompt should say on its default line C:\IceCC>
15. Now type..
C:\IceCC>IceCC -o C:\Program Files\Starcraft\Infested Barracks\Iscript.bin C:\IceCC\data\scripts\iscript.bin C:\IceCC\Iscript.txt
16. If you see it come up with nothing and it goes back to C:\IceCC> then that is good, don't go back and redo it, with IceCC Silence is good. But, if you got errors, please post them here or try to fix them yourself, it could be s imple missing of a space. WinMPQ and make a new file in Infested Barracks callde IB.Mpq
18. Click Add, and selet your Iscript file from earlier.
19. For the Prompt type Scripts\ it should show up as "Scripts\Iscript.bin"
20. Run the mpq patch, and show off your infested barracks.
Notes: I know it looks kind of crappy, and you can mess around with the 0 0 for the X&Y coordinates to try and make it look better.
What we Did:We added the graphics for the Infested Command Center on to the Barracks, and used IceCC to put its X&Y coordinates.For more tutorials like this one, check your manual.PDF that came with IceCC.