Lots of people seem to be likin this
sounds cool! let me tester!!!!!
omg its too hard to work on this currently. I have about 5 pop-ups hitting me each minute, 113 tracking programs on my comp, the alexa virus, tons of spyware and a whole lot more >.<.................I NEED A FREE VIRUS/POP-UP/TRACKER DESTROYER THAT IS FREE!
What was you doing....surfing porn websites or something....sounds like your comp is totally fuxx0red.
But I dont think there are anything that you just say that will destroy it for free.
LoL, post backups of ur maps on SEN right now dammit!
Count me in as well, also your intro is a bit off, Leon was never "kicked" off the force. He is also not a S.T.A.R.S agent. The day he joined the Viral outbreak (Causing Zombies!) caused the entire police department to be wiped out. In the end ,Leon with Claire Redfield try to get out of the city. Leon ends up meeting Ada Wong, who is looking for her boy friend. Later she "dies" but before she does, tells Leon that she loves him (awwwww). Then They escape Racoon City, a Nuke wipes it out. Thusly Leon never got to be a cop.
Also the two men at the begining were Spanish Police assisting Leon.
Also to correct people before me.
The man/thing that body breaks in half is Cheif Mendez. The Bella sisters are the chainsaw sisters. El Gigante is the name of the Large LOTR like creature. The alligator thing in the lake, I don't think has a name. Then there is "IT" which is the scorpion like crature. Also Salazar, Saddler and Jack Krauser.
Mendaz! thats the name i couldnt remember! and if you get all the caps (i got em all woot!) they are called the bella sisters!
DEMO COMIN OUT TONIGHT....although some unlikly thing could happen and i won't be able to release it today >.<
I want to test
This looks very neat, but I was wondering. I have played RE4 on Gamecube and I was wondering if you were planning on making the aiming manual ("a" click) or enemy allied?
its an auto aim system although u have to hotkey and create a zealot that allows a bullet to be shot at the enemy (all enemies are invincible and bosses have a virtual hp system) the bullet shoots to the last location they were at (The location centers on them when they get close enough and range varies depending on your weapon)
it looks like a VERY advanced system though!
QUOTE(Voldamort101 @ Dec 25 2005, 01:01 AM)
it looks like a VERY advanced system though!
YAY ITS DECEMBER 25 AND I GOT THE LAPTOP IVE BEN WANING FOREVER!!! BACK ON TOPIC.....Well now that I have a laptop all y programming should go WAY WAY smoother sice i can take it on the go
.....well the demo should be out later tonight!
Very nice Devil, I wish I could get a laptop for christmas....LOL! Anyways I will test it with you if you want.
QUOTE(Discoman @ Dec 23 2005, 07:28 PM)
Count me in as well, also your intro is a bit off, Leon was never "kicked" off the force. He is also not a S.T.A.R.S agent. The day he joined the Viral outbreak (Causing Zombies!) caused the entire police department to be wiped out. In the end ,Leon with Claire Redfield try to get out of the city. Leon ends up meeting Ada Wong, who is looking for her boy friend. Later she "dies" but before she does, tells Leon that she loves him (awwwww). Then They escape Racoon City, a Nuke wipes it out. Thusly Leon never got to be a cop.
First of all, yes Leon is a cop. In RE2, the story had occured on his first day of working for the RPD (Raccon Police Department). And WTF is the viral outbreak group?! Leon was a survivor and he had to find survivors along with Claire and escape the town.
QUOTE(Devil_O_Duce @ Dec 24 2005, 08:10 PM)
its an auto aim system although u have to hotkey and create a zealot that allows a bullet to be shot at the enemy (all enemies are invincible and bosses have a virtual hp system) the bullet shoots to the last location they were at (The location centers on them when they get close enough and range varies depending on your weapon)
I see, your map better be as good as you say!
Ok, as i've been seeing NO ONE posting i decided in my head (hmm well if the people of SEN want this done faster, instead of playing the ENTIRE RE4 over again, why dont I just go out and buy the guidebook?) so I did,now EVERYTHING IS SOOOOOO MUCH MORE ACCURATE, i had a few things off and some areas wrong, well now since i have the guideook this production should go A LOT FASTER. o btw (R.I.P Nuclearrabbit)
when is the demo coming out??....
well thats tomoro or the day after, and i can wait that long to blow of some heads
its sunday or saturday vold....
well, this game is going to be rather long...since i've realized that 1 256X256 map is not big enough to make the game accurte in size and terrain so ive decided to make the game 3 256X256 maps, they all may be released at once, or 1 at a time. well its up to u. O yes btw since i have to make it 3 maps i can only have 1 single gun in it, and that is the orignal handgun. also heres what each map will have in it
Map 1----> Village>Canyon>Cheifs house>Church>Swamp>Del Lago (Boss Battle)>Waterfall>El Gigante (Boss Battle)>Saving Ashely>House in the middle of the plains (were villagers mass u)> El Gigante or Chainsaw Sisters (you choose)>Gondola>Bitores Mendez (Boss Battle)>Entrance To Salazarz Castle
Map 2---->Salazars Castle
Map 3---->Military island
ADDITION:well im estimating that the game is gonna take about 1 hour each map and possibly 3-5 hours to beat it.
any questions coments or anything else just post, o yes btw each map will probably be realeased when each is finished not al at once, and when they are all done ill will make a zip folder and send it to the SEN download database keeper. and nstead of the demo being released the first map will be released, well ill chart more people down who want to test if u post and ask so, I already have a few people so even though the demo slot in the first page is full ill still accept more peple who want to test map 1....(limit of 5 more)
Ok the terrain for each map will vary....
for the first map the village to the castle entrance is isom.
the second map is probably going to be a blending for the castle (hopefully woodenfire will Help me out eheheh)
the 3rd map will be a mix of isom and blends.
This map will never be made now that you did that, gg.
err.....wow great incouragment......but anywho yes it will be done....ive finished the first map 1 and will possibly distribute it saturday or sunday to the testers
after i do the glitch test of course
Oh, well can I be a tester? My friends and I are the biggest Resident Evil fanatics ever.