How is it gay to be drug free? It's your choice. The only way you would be gay, is if you judge people who do do drugs when you've never even tried them *CoughMostPeopleAgainstIt* (Not directed at you, because you seem to have a brain)
If you want drug-freeness, cool.
If you don't, cool.
Everything in life is Perception.
Once again... Drugs are only as bad as society makes them out to be. Ya know what I mean?[/NOTRIGHT]
anything that changes your thinking that you have to ingest is wrong to me
and that's an opinion, but one that I feel i should say
So food is bad to you? It changes how you think.
For example: You haven't eaten for 3 days. You finally eat. Your body absorbs the nutrients it needs, and your brain get's impowered. You are usually depressed if you haven't ate for a while, so after eating, you think differently.
Just a question.
Your body NEEDS food to survive.
Changing how you think doesn't make something bad, either.
Again, emphysema and cancer are both negative effects cancer has on your body.
And if it were my choice, alcohol and weed would be illegalized. It's done too much damn harm to my familly
Again, emphysema and cancer are both negative effects cancer has on your body.
Not to be rude, but do you even think through your posts? Emphysema is cancer. Cancer is a name for bad cells within the body. Of course both are negative effects, because both are cancer -_-
Btw: You will not get Emphysema from Pot. That's Cigarettes.
Kelly, you're right.
Also pot doesn't have nicotine and 2,000 chemicals in it.
For the last time, no one has proven that Marijuana causes cancer, as far as I know, thats cigarettes.
QUOTE(Kellimus @ Apr 27 2006, 07:54 PM)
Again, emphysema and cancer are both negative effects cancer has on your body.
Not to be rude, but do you even think through your posts? Emphysema is cancer. Cancer is a name for bad cells within the body. Of course both are negative effects, because both are cancer -_-
Btw: You will not get Emphysema from Pot. That's Cigarettes.
Yeah, I know, I was editting it, but forgot to word it correctly. And when I said cancer, I meant weed -_-
And as if that isn't rude, but anyway.
"Cancer is a class of diseases or disorders characterized by uncontrolled division of cells and the ability of these cells to invade other tissues, either by direct growth into adjacent tissue through invasion or by implantation into distant sites by metastasis."
~"Emphysema is a chronic lung disease. It is often caused by exposure to toxic chemicals or long-term exposure to tobacco smoke."
~"cannabis is less likely to cause emphysema or cancer than tobacco"
~ that they both cause it, but tobacco causes it more. And just because cigarettes are worse for your health than weed, makes weed good?
"cannabis is less likely to cause emphysema or cancer than tobacco"
~ that they both cause it, but tobacco causes it more. And just because cigarettes are worse for your health than weed, makes weed good?
No. But it helps out our argument that there are worse things that are legal.
And if they're that dangerous they should be illegal too. Don't make weed legal, make cigarettes illegal.
That dangerous? Compare the three of them. Cigarettes, Alcohol, and Mary-J
You will see that MJ is the least out of the three.
I think that if they legalize this then they will start to legalize everything else, pot,alchole,extacy,cigs watever are easy to really wouldnt change economy, it would change the dealers wealth alot, but if its people's choice to take drugs, nobody makes you...
Im not really on either side Im just puting a point in here...
You've never heard of The RAVE act, have you? They will never legalize Ecstacy.
Alcohol already is legal, and so are cigarettes.
Leave now. You have no clue what you're talking about.
According to a 1988 government survey, marijuana is the third most widely used drug used in the United States, after alcohol and cigarettes. An estimated 66 million people - or one-third of all Americans - have tried marijuana; and roughly 12 million of them are current users.”# Marijuana is an illegal drug that is grown throughout the world. It is used for medical treatments, pleasure, and things we use and see today. It also has many side effects, health hazards, and health issues.
Well I didnt have the utter patience to read over 5 pages of posts.. Il just say this
Marijuana kills short term memory and it does alot of other things. It makes you stupid. And if it would be legalized well then more ppl would do it. Publicly. Besides I wouldnt realy want to live in a society where noone can remember anything that youve told him/her in the past 2 days.
Kellimus, alcohol & cigarettes are legal cuz there are big & powerful companies that protect their right to get profit. are there any powerful weed-selling companies ?
yea.. i havn't heard of any cases of people developing cancer soley because of weed. Just not enuf chemicals or enuf over time to overrun the body's immune system maybe? Even so, everybody does it, and people are still runnin around without being hooked up to a breathing utility in a hospital like all those cigarrette smokers. For those who smoke weed and have no muscle mass.. the reason is simple, you don't do anything to gain that muscle! You can't just sit around all day, eating chips and popcorn, drinking pepsi and all that and expect to impress all the ladies.
Working out while high can be fun, because you get so into it and with music going in the background,its an awsome and physically positive experience for sure.
Well cigarettes are practicly worse than weed. But both mess up your brain slowly. Alcohol can be good. Alcohol is only bad if you drink it too much and too often.
QUOTE(DarK @ Apr 28 2006, 02:50 AM)
Well I didnt have the utter patience to read over 5 pages of posts.. Il just say this
Marijuana kills short term memory and it does alot of other things. It makes you stupid. And if it would be legalized well then more ppl would do it. Publicly. Besides I wouldnt realy want to live in a society where noone can remember anything that youve told him/her in the past 2 days.
Stfu and gtfo. Read this thread before you post JUNK like that.
Edit: By the way, you're a fool. I've smoked pot for 5 years, and I remember what happened 3 years ago.
Stfu and gtfo.
QUOTE(DarK @ Apr 28 2006, 01:50 AM)
Well I didnt have the utter patience to read over 5 pages of posts.. Il just say this
Marijuana kills short term memory and it does alot of other things. It makes you stupid. And if it would be legalized well then more ppl would do it. Publicly. Besides I wouldnt realy want to live in a society where noone can remember anything that youve told him/her in the past 2 days.
Okay, my friend has short term memory loss, not because of Marijuana, but because that how his brain is.
You can't prove that only marijuana gives you that, also, alcohol in large doses can do things to you, just like marijuana IN LARGE DOSES.
Kellimus Stfu yourself short term memory isnt something that happend 3 years ago.
Mr.Camo did I say only Marijuana gives you short term memory loss? No I didnt I just said it does give you short term memory loss not that it is the only thing in the world that does that.
Wow. You tell me to stfu, but your post is full of ficticious bullshiz
If I smoke two bowls of Chronic, I remember everything from that day on.
GET. THE. fark. OUT. You don't know what the HELL you're talking about.
Come back when you gain intelligence on this subject.
You mean when I start using Marijuana?
No ty
And your post is full of ridicoulus words ( I am truely sorry if I mispelled ridicoulus )
And you are the one who told me to stfu
And it is a forum so chill the fark out no need to tell someone to stfu
Actually, there is a lot of need. Especially, when the person I am telling to stfu, doesn't know shiz about what they are talking about.
So when you gain knowledge about the subject at hand, refraine from spreading even more fabrications about it, or go do it somewhere else.
Pitiful mortals.