Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Miscellaneous -> SEN Bar
Report, edit, etc...Posted by HorroR on 2005-11-23 at 16:22:20
*takes out a flashlight and sees Krazy*


*throws a flare..YES A Krazy*

"Woot! Oh hell..ZOMBIES!"

*shoots zombies*


*runs up the stairs and begins to fire again*

"AHH MOO-Wait...never mind"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KrAzY on 2005-11-23 at 16:26:07
*Helps out the dudes and uses his SC-20K Rifle*

*Shoots the Zombies except the helpful Splinter Cell Zombies, then shoots Powerful_Horror in the head because he was infected*
Report, edit, etc...Posted by HorroR on 2005-11-23 at 16:27:40
*survives the shot luckily*

Random Soldier Dude #2 (There were soldiers?) : Man down man down! We require medic!

Medic: Bad english dude *heals PH*


*kicks Krazy into the horde of zombies*
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KrAzY on 2005-11-23 at 16:31:00
*gets kicked into the horde of zombies of Splinter Cells*

*All of us at the same time using SC-20k Rifle and shoots every man at the baracade down with the Sniper attachments and the shotgun attachments.

*Looks at Powerful_Horror's Dead body.*
Report, edit, etc...Posted by HorroR on 2005-11-23 at 16:33:05


*gets 500000000000 points and a new life*


*calls for backup and gets on the roof of the SeN bar*


*watches as the door breaks down*


*throws a grenade and destroys all the zombie's rifles*
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KrAzY on 2005-11-23 at 16:34:31
*A Chopper arrived with more splinter cells, and shoots down Powerful_Horror*
Report, edit, etc...Posted by HorroR on 2005-11-23 at 16:38:41
*runs from the shots of the SCs*

"Fark..It's a new Raccoon City!! is now!!"

*jumps off the bar roof*


*falls to the ground*

"Ow...the bar isn't that large"

*magically transports inside the bar*


*begins to shoot the zombies and walks to Krazy*

"I offer a truce so we can get our asses out of this"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KrAzY on 2005-11-23 at 16:40:45

*Gets the Zombie Splinter Cells and injured Splinter Cells to medical care*

Report, edit, etc...Posted by HorroR on 2005-11-23 at 16:44:16
*gives covery fire to the Splinter Cells*

"Keep moving!"

*opens a door*

"In here! All the beer, wings, and porn we'll need to survive!"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KrAzY on 2005-11-23 at 16:46:05
*Plants a mine on the non-distructive wall with zombies and goes to the airvent that goes to to place where PH is at.

"Hey, there's a hatch, let's go down there."
Report, edit, etc...Posted by HorroR on 2005-11-23 at 16:47:50
"But the porn!!!"

*sees the zombies rushing toward them*

"Nice day to go crawling down a hatch isn't it"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by The_Lead_Factor on 2005-11-23 at 16:48:58
nukes the all die tongue.gif

biggrin.gif sry had to do it biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KrAzY on 2005-11-23 at 16:49:48
*Back to time where the zombie is at and killed the person who stole my last name, Factor.*

*Picks up everything useful in the room*

"zOMG, a monster truck down there, let's use it that fits for us Splinter Cells and Allied Zombie Splinter Cells and You!"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by HorroR on 2005-11-23 at 16:52:11
*jumps into the Monster truck*

"Damn! Where do we go! The only SC site that I know of is! And the zombies are coming!"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Freedawk on 2005-11-23 at 16:53:09
*kicks Powerful_Horror again*

"This is jiggly"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by HorroR on 2005-11-23 at 16:54:30
*ignores that*

"Where do we go Krazy, they're a few feet away"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KrAzY on 2005-11-23 at 16:55:16
"The only SC (Splinter Cell) place is at Washington D.C."

*Drives with people in the Monster Truck, also The_Falc who kicked out Powerful_Horror*
Report, edit, etc...Posted by The_Lead_Factor on 2005-11-23 at 16:55:38
*returned to the past*
*loaded my M82A1 50 cal. sniper rifle*
"TLF: do you belive in god..."
"KrAzY: yes....why??"
*Shoots KrAzY in the temple*
"TLF: now do you...."
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KrAzY on 2005-11-23 at 16:57:22
*Kicks the Last Name stealer"

"I had never said that, you fool!"

*Goes back in time with the monster truck*
Report, edit, etc...Posted by HorroR on 2005-11-23 at 16:57:27
*gets on a motorcycle next to the MT and catches up with Krazy*

"Where to"

*shoots the Falc out of the MT and jumps in*
Report, edit, etc...Posted by The_Lead_Factor on 2005-11-23 at 16:59:47
*random referee jumps in scene*
"Illegal menuvear "
"5 yards"
*Crowd cheers*
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Syphon on 2005-11-23 at 17:00:48
*returns in awsome beaver form*

"LOVE ME!!11!one!"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KrAzY on 2005-11-23 at 17:01:40
*Jumps off the Monster Truck and trusts the Zombie Splinter Cell drive*

"Don't worry about me"

*Jumped on the Second Monster Truck passing by*

"Hello there..."

*Kicks out the driver, and drives*
Report, edit, etc...Posted by HorroR on 2005-11-23 at 17:02:16
*watches the referee*

"So..are we closer to Washington D.C.? KRAZY WATCH OUT A BEAVER!"

*watches as the MT crushes the beaver*
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KrAzY on 2005-11-23 at 17:06:33
*Drives the Second Monster Truck to a wonderful shortcut with a horde of zombies to run over...*

"You'll need to take the long cut to Washington D.C. by that way.. sad.gif"

*Arrived at Washington D.C.*

"Hello Bush, I'm going to settle on a SEN Bar"

*Bush disagreed, but I built it anyways..*
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