remember you did have the heal force move, so it shouldnt have been a problem.
I thought that map was good but could have been better. I'd add force powers BESIDES force heal. Anyway, nice job zombie
wait for no.2 youll really like that one then
QUOTE(Zombie @ Jan 3 2006, 04:27 AM)
wait for no.2 youll really like that one then
haha who doesnt love my l33t stories
its not all you though
shhh! i make the important parts
I could have sworn that george lucas did those stories...Ahhh well
I'm guessing that was just like an introduction TO the actual game? Hope they pwn
Darth-Reven, is that your picture on your avatar?
hell no lol, im a guy, thats emma watson(girl from harry potter)
Sorry i havent updated in a awile once i catch cloud on msn i will be able to
LoL its wicked, hey who likes the Starwars Empire at War Sig? i made it
Something i did notice? uhh i am not a big On Star wars but I dont think Mara Jade Was Jedi was she? she was bounty hunter?
Is the next map gonna be longer? That first one was kind of short...
QUOTE(Magical-Vanilla @ Jan 4 2006, 06:23 AM)
Something i did notice? uhh i am not a big On Star wars but I dont think Mara Jade Was Jedi was she? she was bounty hunter?
after the movies she became a jedi and married luke.
LoL, she was a jedi, she was another sith aprentice to the emporior, she was waiting for vadas downfall and when it came the emporior also died so she joined the lightside! and wat bout my sig??
QUOTE(Voldamort101 @ Jan 4 2006, 07:54 AM)
LoL, she was a jedi, she was another sith aprentice to the emporior, she was waiting for vadas downfall and when it came the emporior also died so she joined the lightside! and wat bout my sig??
actually she wasnt a sith apprentice, she was the Emporers Hand. and your sig is pretty sick.
Tight sig. Any of you like mine? Boyscout made it. It's the Makron: leader of the strogg. I would help you out zombie but i don't have msn.
LoL, i am still working on them but as you can see, its starwars!
lol the empire looks abit overwhelmed int hat sig, 2 stardestroyers vs like 7 rebel blockade runners and 4 or 5 mon calamari captail ships...
WoW, your good! and its not the full pic, the full pic actully shows the Rebals getting owned, lol and i think stardestroyers own a few Calamari easy anyway cause the empire always carrie acouple of hundred tie fighters on there ship while the rebals do like 50 x-wings! anyway any more info on dis map?
no info yet im betting, zombie hasnt "caught" me on msn yet
and actually tie fighters didnt have shields. X-Wing's did. giving them a big advantage..and x-wings have proton torpedos...if you read the X-Wing series, a Super Star Deastroyer is taken out by like 80 fridges and 12 x-wing..pretty sad becuz of the ammount of firepower a SSD is soposed to have..excluding their like 1000 tie fighters
My sig is the best, boyscout personally specialized it to be the best.
Ya boyscout rocks, but i am still learning to use paintshop, lol! even though x-wings have shields i have forgotten some of the good imperial ships: Tie-Intercepter (packs a real punch against X-wings) a tie-bomber (bombs the blockade runner) but then again wat about the rebals? we still got the A-Wing, B-Wing, Y-Wing and a few more to mention! either way i still got my money on the imperial, and you will see with my Empire at War map! lol
QUOTE(Voldamort101 @ Jan 5 2006, 02:35 AM)
Ya boyscout rocks, but i am still learning to use paintshop, lol! even though x-wings have shields i have forgotten some of the good imperial ships: Tie-Intercepter (packs a real punch against X-wings) a tie-bomber (bombs the blockade runner) but then again wat about the rebals? we still got the A-Wing, B-Wing, Y-Wing and a few more to mention! either way i still got my money on the imperial, and you will see with my Empire at War map! lol
Tie interceptors are still inferior to X-wings, X-wings have more manuverability then interceptors. but interceptors are faster. A-Wings are faster then interceptors for that matter, and have shields. tie-bombers are shiz and could get owned by a y-wing. the rebels had some star destroyers too you know, they captured 2 at Endor, and 1 at Thyferra and they even captured a Super Star Destroyer called the Lusankya. And after Endor the Mon Calamari made a Cruiser that was superior to a Victory-Class Star Destroyer, basically all the Mon Calamari did was take a Star Destroyer, and modify its shields and made it look more like the Mon Calamari ships. the Shields for a Moncalamari cruiser was always superior to the star destroyers. and everyone that had their money on the imperials lost. as i recall the rebels ended up winning. Also your missing a very special Tie Fighter called the Tie Defender, its basically a tie interceptor but it has a hyper-drive, shields and concussion missiles.
Mon Calamari corvette ships look really good. The star destroyers and frigates too, but the mon calamari flagship(s) look like flying potatoes. They still good though. Well done boyscout jr.