speeking of cayden(want to call him by his new username) is he even on this forum?
Whoa nice!
I like Resident Evil alot so I'm looking foward to playing this map and many others.
Well Cayden was on msn and has a shizty broadband deal at the moment (can only play ISP games), next month he is getting unlimited so dont worry! he will be back!
Hey guys.
I got my internet back.
As you may know starforge destroyd newest versions of the map but with some more motivation maybe il find some old backup and start working again.
But the lack of feedback here dosnt motivate me at all.
I lost my net on 2 weeks and when i finaly got it back i saw that the topic is on 2 page of maps in productions and got 3 new post in witch u talk about peazel...
Put yourselfs in my position.
Ofcourse u will never be so cool as i (lol) but try to understand me...
Bite mE
every day i come back to see if u have worked on it
so keep on working!!