*jumps out of tank like a majic ninja*
*kills coffee drinking jammed*
"The world...is out of danger..."
"how can you kill the terminator that dissapeared falcon ?"
*pushes the button again & the terminator appears again, in form of Falcon_A
"try to kill him magain"
*i shoot all the coffee cups in the bar with my AK-74
"I HATE COFFEE !!!!!!"
*the terminator approaches falcon_A, turns his hands into blades & his head into a hammer

*Converts to Hinduism just as he dies from the shotgun shell and gets reincarnated as old non-uber-godzilla-StalingradK*
*Throws a bag of C4 in the middle of the bar and runs away*
*throws the bag of C4 at the Starbucks*
"Meh, theres another Starbucks 1 block away."
*turns to Stalingrad*
" THIS IS MY JOB!!!! "
*shoots a fireball at Stalingrad*. then roundhouse kicks him in the face, leaving him dead*
" Hmm, looks like a good painting, with two dead guys too!"
*gets painting supplies*
*Gets reincarnated as a rabbit*
*Hops around everyone in the bar in anger*
QUOTE(StalingradK @ Apr 14 2006, 12:18 PM)
*Converts to Hinduism just as he dies from the shotgun shell and gets reincarnated as old non-uber-godzilla-StalingradK*
*Throws a bag of C4 in the middle of the bar and runs away*
*Slaps you*
"No! Ganish!"
*copies KrAzY's mom*
*explodes twice as hard*
*throws C4 at terminator and hides behind jammed*
"Oh n0ez!"
*terminator swollows the C4 so it doesen't kill anyone. BOOM
*the wlole bar is in liquid metal leftovers of my terminator
"thanks God i have another surprize for you, falcon!"
*pushes a button on his remote controll, making 2 steps away from falcon
*a hatch door opens under falcon, he falls into a 3 meter pit, WITH COFFEE !!!!!
"hehehehe...to get out, you need to drink ALL that coffee (that's not gonna happen soon

*puts KrAzY's face on Jammed and Falcon*
*they explode*
"damn, how did falcon get out so fast ? maybe someone helped him drink that coffee ?"
*thx God. falcon fas above me, so he took the explosion.
*i get up. my ears hurt a bit... but i still have the power to push the button again, frying tizzle with automatic flamethroewrs.
"burgers anyone ?

"That is Tizzle the rapper...I am just Tizzle..."
*kicks Jammed...Punches Jammed*
*wing grows new falcon, and he starts rapping colton grundy while jammed and tizzle fight*
"I return, from the beyond the dead, with a shovel on my back and photograph of Him, from the dark backwards, counterclockwards, a lot of the words that I said, they went unheard, buried in a casket, tucked under the earth..." (insert blah blah blah here)
*Orders another drink*
*Just stares at the fighting and rapping and everything while laughing and pointing*

OMG this is so funny"
*Takes a sip*
*Pulls out a shotgun*
*Fires at Falcon*
*Puts shotgun away*
*Takes another sip as Falcon bleeds to death*
"This is so much fun

*i come up to dante
"hi, how do you do ?"
*i order a drink for me & dante
*he drinks
*dante dies of poison
"now it's my turn to laugh!!!! mwahahaahahahahaha ...."
*casuley enters bar and rigs a game of poker with everyone. Toothfariy is now the only one in the bar with money
"No tizzle, you can't control me to explode, you ain't no rapper, go to HD forum and you were called "Gay_Tizzle" not be me, nigguh."[/notfilter]
*Beats up Tizzle with martial arts, wrestling and submissions.*
*Places ten C4 on Tizzle's house*
*Explodes House*
QUOTE(Zombie @ Mar 22 2006, 02:50 PM)
"Did i miss something? =O"
*Zombie fires horror "No security guards are allowed!

"put a sign up -No Horror's allowed"[right][snapback]450705[/snapback][/right]
Off topic: Don't you mean:
*put a sign up -No Horror's allowedOn topic:
"What a quaint little bar, I think I will enter"
*Sits on stool"Bartender, I w-"
*spontaneously combusts
*all there is left is a charred stool*due to the deadness of this thread, Toothfariy starts a riot
*jumps in with an axe and a shotgun, claws up some zombies with it and eats a steak with his left thumb*
"BRING IT biznatchES!"
*Stares at Falcon as he says this*
*Pulls out a pistol, and summons an army and Satan*
*HorroR throws water on "Satan and his army"
"Snowmen aren't hellish."
*HorroR beats up Dante with brass knuckles
*Minority walks in
"OMFG, all hell has broken loose!"
*Minority dodges a bar stool thrown by HorroR
*Minority disembowles HorroR with a straw
*Walks in sits at bar
"I havent read anything cept 2 posts so... ill just.. Forty-five calibre killer from out of the filler, MEOW Gimme some orange soda"
*leaves the bar
*you all hear me shout "BS (britney spears

) is in that bar!"
*a huge angry mob of pop-fans run into the bar
*i come to the window & brake it
*i throw a bag in the bar. the bag has 3 things in it: 1.C4 2.nails 3.detonator
*i walk in after the smoke clears & start drinking tea (again)