penor penor penor penor
the person below me is squelched at least 5 times a day
As said before, there were no great wars fought there 'recently'. Every other country that could have by now be considered more powerful then America otherwise had been destroyed as a result of being neighbors with other countries.
America won't stop being powerful any time soon, but I expect that other countries, such are China or Russia (when fresh water supply goes down.. Where to turn to but Siberia?) will start to catch up or become stronger then America.
Yes, I think the national mentality matters. Look at what happened to Russia when the communistic ideas lost their power - everything went down the drain. A russian person needs strict control, he needs to fear the upper standing, or else no work will be done.
Probably because they were already so used to communism and were happy to be 'free'.
QUOTE(DT_Battlekruser @ May 17 2006, 10:12 AM)
The United States is the most powerful nation in the world because it is the only developed country never to have suffered a major military conflict on its own soil since 1900.
Did Canada or Mexico? Or any of Carribea? Or Australia?
It's all a mental thing. For some reason the mid east and mid west let the far west get a mental advantage that they maitain. Somehow...
But if the US was invaded I'm confident it would lose.
The person below me uses Firefox
i belive the reason that US is so powerful is for sevral reasons.
1) our goverment is very very very stable.
2) when immagrants came over, thats a lot of diverse ideas. that made our technology very high
3) our econmy works in a sucessful manor.
4) we have one of the most powerful and largest army in the world.
5) we are isolated from all the other superpowers
that about sums it up. it's basicly, before WWI, it all became survial of the fitest between all the countries. we were able to stay out of it. we survived to WWII when we got the atom bomb. that made us very powerful.
Well indeed Russia lost about 80 000 000 in WW2 ( I am not very sure if I remember correct )
USA lost about 2 million
.... PFt
Russia: 24 million
known deaths; civilian and military with 29 million estimated all together.
USA: 415,000
Reasons why America has become so powerful
1. World War I
2. World War II
3. Major Ports on both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans
4. Industrial Power
5. No major wars fought on US soil (recently).
QUOTE(Jammed @ May 17 2006, 07:33 AM)
USA's land didn't suffer from war at all, while Russia took the biggest impact - destruction of infrastructrure & industry.
on the contrary, the war did affect the U.S a bit. The pearl harbor incident and the war with japan. they sunk a lot of ships, killed/wounded a lot of men, and caused quite a bit of damage in terms of money.
the U.S tried to remain neutral during the war, but they got dragged into it. i remember reading what made the U.S start to go into the war is Hitler gave an offer to mexico, that if they tried attacking the u.s, they would help them get back texas or lost land or something.
but i do agree, the u.s is pretty powerful...but in my opinion just showing off more power. u.s took the least amount of damage compared to the other nations.
you notice the trend in u.s timeline history....about every 30-40 years, a war has to start up...
Some might argue it is because of democracy. (I think)
The USA is soo powerful because we have the best goverment. We have hard working people.
We have a lot of money, I dont really know how we got all of our money to be soo powerful but with our money we have become one of the most powerful nations in the world. But if you give every person in China a gun with 3 bullets they could take over the world! Almost same idea with India!
We need a new president though
Also, it hasn't officially lost a war in its history.
That is very true
Because te ones they lost they never declared War. And when we did we nuked their ass
QUOTE(BeeR_KeG @ May 17 2006, 10:34 AM)
USA entered both World Wars when the other countries' resources had started to deplete.
Political Analysts say that China will be the new Superpower by the year 2020 or 2025. 2001 and look at what happened, they barely finished.
Not if a bomb accidently drops on China.

True. The person below me uses IE
I'm not saying that science is utterly bogus. But there are topics that science attempts to rationalize or explain, and at a point, I (personally) draw the line, indicating what I do and do
not believe. I don't believe in the Big Bang, or the
theory of evolution, but I understand that by me staying grounded to this planet there is a force involved, entitled-- gravity. Please do not insult my intellegence.
[...]just as it cannot explain how gravity works. Yet I hope you believe in gravitational theory, right?
One main reason our country is so powerful is because we are the first country ever to have such a strong government system.
The person below me has a signature.
QUOTE(7-7 @ May 17 2006, 04:36 PM)
We have a lot of money, I dont really know how we got all of our money to be soo powerful but with our money we have become one of the most powerful nations in the world. But if you give every person in China a gun with 3 bullets they could take over the world! Almost same idea with India!
Yeah, lots of money with your estimated debt of $8,341,198,385,039 (at the time of this writing)
The next superpower will probably be either China or India. Both have the fastest growing rate currently, and are possibly emerging super powers. The general rule is that all super powers will fall. For example, think of Venice.
we have one of the most powerful and largest army in the world.
No, not really. China has the largest armed forces at this time.
Frankly, USA is so powerful today because partly of its location. Imagine placing USA in the middle of Europe during WW2. Things would have turned out differently.
QUOTE(Syphon @ May 17 2006, 12:28 PM)
Did Canada or Mexico? Or any of Carribea? Or Australia?
It's all a mental thing. For some reason the mid east and mid west let the far west get a mental advantage that they maitain. Somehow...
But if the US was invaded I'm confident it would lose.
There was armed rebellion in Mexico in 1994. The other mentioned countries do not have the manpower or natural resources to become world powers.
My point is, all the other potential world powers were decimated sometime this century.
China? Chinese Civil War (1920-1949)
Russia? World War I (1914-1918), Russian Civil War (1917-1920), World War II (1941-1945), Cold War (1946-1989)
Both China and Russia made the best prosepcts due to their large populations and abundances of resources.QUOTE(DarK @ May 17 2006, 09:40 PM)
I think your statement about Russians is wrong..
Trust me, I'm russian & that's what we know about ourselves. I can explain it through natiolal history, forlkore & other things, but I better don't.
About the army:
USA may not have an army bigger then China, but the organization level of USA's army is higher, I think. USA's modern army is tested in combat (Iraq). BTW, I think Iraq was some kind of test for the America's weapons allso.
Don't forget the theory: a rich country will get richer, while a poor one will get poorer. Maybe China will overcome USA's economics, but I can't imagine USA poor now. Something "global" must happen to break it's economy.
Evolution and the Big Bang theory are just theories, but they are theories that have scientific consensus.
You have the right not to believe in these theories, and that's why we have private schools.
The reason why people look down upon you for your beliefs Blacker9, is most likely because there are a small minority of extremists that are giving Christians a bad name. (IE. Pat Robertson)
Indeed China does have officialy the largest army in the world, maybe USA has better technoligy but that doesnt realy matter seeing as there are about 1,2 000 000 000 Chinize and there should be like 1 000 000 000 Indians.. But I dont belive China and India would emerge. And if it would and thered be WW3 Thered problably take over the world and later kill each other for power lol.. Like Rome
And yes USA has a great location. And it hasnt been seriously 'damaged' in any war, practicly never on its own soil
About the great government.... And the money lol
Gotta love the debt
And Privet then Jammed, I live in a country where 20-40% of the population is Russian, I dont know what type of Russians have you met

Здарова, DarK, but allmost all mature people that I know think like that.
National mentality is seen in folklore very well. Please don't force me to go offtopic by explaining it.
In 1997, an idol - princess Diana died after a car accident.
The official story tells this: The journalists followed her car. She wanted them to leave her alone. After entering the tunnel on high speed, the driver lost controll of the car and it crashed. The journalists that followed her, instead of helping the still alive Diana, took photo's. After Diana's death, there were attempts to sue the journalists.
The assasination theory: It states, that somebody set it up very well, to kill Diana.
What do you think, was it the way the official story tells ?
Could the journalists save her ?
Should they be sued for not doing so, or was it their job ?
Car crash for sure.
The chaffeur was drink-driving, fool that he was...
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