QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Sep 6 2006, 05:01 AM)
It's a little too late for choice.
Basically, I'm in a bit of a jam here. I usually don't go outright into politics like this, but I do have two options. I'll try to keep opinions out.
1. Fire LegacyWeapon. SEN (as of now) does not support unprotection in any way, but obviously having a Global Moderator that's created OSMap who is hosting a database of unprotected maps is a serious problem.
2. Rewrite policy - which means SEN starts supporting unprotection now. This results in all of the cries of how "Moose rewrites the rules for his friends" (assuming, as usual, that I favor staff which I did not hire). All of the Anti-Elitism crusaders will pick up their swords and banners and run amok. Map stealing still remains a crime and will probably see an increase.
Think about this: was a OSMAP a huge problem before LW told he created it ? Did people make huge topics (exept DEAD) like "We all must unite to stop this horror of map-stealing" ?
We are all people, thus have different opinions. You trust him when he warns people, don't you ? (well, doh, he's a GM after all) Why can't you understand him instead of banning ?
About the rules: I think SEN should be neutral to protectinon and unprotection, but offer only protection programms (because I'm 51 for protection and 49 for OSMAP

). Why ? Well, I'll give you an example:
You have a 10 year old child in a room. In that room there is a box. If you tell him "I will never tell you what is in the box, and you must never find out what's in there" the chances of him opening the box are higher. If you tell him nothing, the chances of him opening it are smaller.
QUOTE(Desperado @ Sep 6 2006, 05:02 AM)
Everyone's views on this matter are horribly distorted by your limited knowledge of the very things you claim to stand for. The StarEdit network is not map making, it never has been, and it never will be. The real map makers on Battle.net have never been to this website and they likely never will be. Anyone who utilizes this website as a springboard for their map making has never created a map that was played on Battle.net by countless people. You have nothing to worry about when it comes to protection and unprotection. The problem with these programs is that the REAL map makers are now affected by your actions. The members of SEN with malicious take these tools and harm REAL map makers on Battle.net. You give guns to children and then put them into a room filled with intelligent mature human beings and praise their destruction because you neglect to see that the intelligent mature beings ever existed in the first place. You are bloated animals with no regard for what you do, and you tarnish the practices of production. Only a few members among you have ever proved useful for even a moment, if only to unveil some new and amazing technique which is instantly patched by Blizzard. You are utterly useless and your only power is to destroy. You are in a single word, evil. You are chaos innate, destruction, rampant and loose upon the world.
The "Real" map makers ? Oh, yeah, right... you mean a fiew people that DID make good maps. But who plays good maps on B-net ?
So Tuxedo_Templar and Bolt_Head are not good map makers ? And we all suck because most of us did not reach the level of fiew mappers ?
Get over yourself.
QUOTE(WoodenFire @ Sep 6 2006, 05:29 AM)
Obviously, LegacyWeapon made this program for the attention it recieved in SEN, and this eventual day with which he would tell everyone that he indeed created OSMAP.
I think that LegacyWeapon should have admin powers revoked, IP Banned, and told to find a new website to get attention from.
And if he gets banned, can I reopen my Crescent Dyne thread that he closed; also because he wanted attention? There are signs of his mental problems all over SEN.
This post is so funny for me that I don't even know how to think about it - as a bad joke or a very ***** post. Do you really think that LW is an attention whore ? Then you might as well call yourself an attention whore. Why ? Oh well, you had the CD topic filled with useless spamm and crap, but you didn't like it when it got closed. You said something like this in the shoutbox (can't quote, I just remember you telling approx. this) "I needed it to advertise CD". Isn't "advertising" mean "getting attention to something" ?
QUOTE(SiLeNT(U) @ Sep 6 2006, 06:47 AM)
As well as that, Legacy was a trusted member of the SC community, now that we know he did this, how can we trust him again? I know he meant well, but it's not really his decision to make whether people should be allowed to protect their maps or not. I know from experience that people will simply quit mapmaking if their maps are always getting stolen, which hurts the mapmaking community considerably.
I will still trust him. If you think that he was wrong, think about it this way: "He made a mistake. Who doesen't make them ?"
QUOTE(MillenniumArmy @ Sep 6 2006, 08:13 AM)
Wow... just wow...
Name ONE well-spread map that's been rigged beyond playability because of OSMAP during these past four months.
Name ONE well-spread map that's been stolen and thus the original creator's name has been forgotten because of OSMAP during these past four months.
Name ONE well-spread map that's been completely destroyed because of OSMAP during these past four months.
Honestly what's wrong with you people. 4 Month's is plenty of time for people to abuse OSMAP and use them to destroy maps. Name one famous map out there that's fallen victim to OSMAP.
Obviously not that many.
You people disgust me. You guys are complaining about crap that's probably never going to happen. You're like "OMFG PEOPLE ARE GOING TO STEAL MY MAP!!" Look at battle.net right now, look at the list of games in the join list. How many maps have you seen fallen victim to OSMAP? Yes there are plenty that have fallen to older map unprotectors, like RE: Racoon City, but nothing new has happened with OSMAP.
Nobody cares enough now on Starcraft to waste their time stealing a map and try spreading it. It's already hard enough to spread a map now due to the dying taste of map variety out there.
Stfu everyone. These past 4 months OSMAP has DONE NOTHING (harmful) to the starcraft community. Just continue on with your lives as nothing happened...
Amen. Nobody cared about OSMAp that much, because "Map stealers that use OSMAp are everywhere" turned out to be just a wrong theory. Nobody saw them, nothing serious happened.
If there would be so much OSMAP'pers, why didn't the coolest maps get stolen yet ? Hell,
if there is so much map stealers, why didn't Rush get stolen ? And it's not protected ! What are you all waiting for ?!What do I personally think about OSMAP ?
I think that not all maps should be protected. And it's up to the creator to decide. For example:
Some of you know, that I'm a huge Thing fan, and I'm making my own version of the map that should soak up all my huge experience. I plan to protect it. Why ? I tell you: I've seen a lot of times how not morons in b-net play rigged, crappy, disbalanced, unprofessional versions of the map and leave. If they played a good version they would stay, and probably get into it. I do not want random morons change the map so the people that have brains leave when they try it.
OSMAP can help learn. I, for example, did learn some things from other maps. But lucky I am, I found maps that were not protected and have things I was interested in. It's hard to understand all those masses of triggers, so it's much better to look in the tutorials/wiki to find an accurate, full explanation with examples.
Moral side of unprotection ? I support one thing: everybody KNOWING that you created the map. All the fame stuff is just stupid - you must get over yourself if you really think this "fame" ofer the internet is important. The internet is a place, where 10-12 year olds hang out and spread their noobishness. So tell me, why the hell would you want to be popular for 12 year olds ? It's like being popular in the kindergarden. Do you care about those children ? Will then have any impact on your life ? Can they boost your ego somehow ? If you want an ego boost, get the most sexy girl in your town as your girlfriend.
B-net/SEN ? You should not care about b-net, as stated before. Only SEN can truly rate your work. Nobody at SEN can steal your map (If you submit your map as soon as you finish it and if you have a production topic).
I'm split on this question.