QUOTE(Oo.Zero.oO @ Nov 24 2006, 01:05 AM)
If you were 15 and you had a hot teacher, and she was trying to get it on with you would you have sex with her? Probably, but thats why we have consent laws because they doubt our judgement which is pretty cloudy if your less than 18 and thus call it rape because it should be.
QUOTE(Mp)7-7 @ Nov 24 2006, 01:48 AM)
I agree, Anyone want an A. I dont think I would beacuse it would be really wierd. Though I would probably enjoy it if I did, then again I think that the age 18 is too much of a big deal, I think that people are plenty smart enough under that age to make the right decision.
QUOTE(Other @ Nov 24 2006, 01:54 AM)
I'm fairly certain that if I had a hot teacher that wanted to have sex with me I'd go for it, although I believe afterwards it'd be fairly awkward . In regards to the age of 18, it's just an age that has been chosen, although I don't think it's very good to set a standard age for when you have good judgment. It all depends on your level of maturity. I think something like a test of maturity would be a better method than a certain age.[right][snapback]593930[/snapback][/right]
I guess these people are making excuses too, right? It's common sense, any male would do it with a hot teacher because boys can't control their sexual desires at that age because of hormones.
QUOTE(PoSSeSSeDCoW @ Nov 24 2006, 10:15 AM)
I don't really. I mean sure, you might get kids that are mature enough before they reach 18, but it is generally a safer age than, let's say, 16. I think that be setting the age high you can help prevent some of the things that you don't want to happen.
Like what? Aids? Diseases? STD? That's why people use condoms. And I'm sure the boys would have been ready for it since most of them masturabate.
QUOTE(green_meklar @ Nov 24 2006, 11:15 AM)
Definitely. In fact, I think the same thing should be done not only for sexual consent but for driving, drinking, smoking and voting. With sexual consent, however, there should be a minimum age of somewhere around 13 or 14, because before that your body is physically not ready for it, however much your mind may be ready.
I think its the opposite. I dont think hormones can control your mind. I think the physical self is the one with the desires.