QUOTE(S)T-Twitch6000 @ Jan 10 2007, 01:13 PM)
Well dude its not funny when someone comes and stills your triggers or your whole map and just adds a few things and changes name then says made by them.
Thats just messed up.thats why we need csmap.
People around here don't do that!!! The maps they don't understand they just leave alone, most maps they don't understand.
I'll be honest, I have been playing Starcraft for over ten years. In the whole time, I have only
ever seen
one creative map being stolen. It was called "Cerebrates". The stealer had tried something smart. Rig it, then call it V3. I noticed it, saw that it was rigged, went to the older version, and called it V4, voila! I didn't even give myself credit.
When it's the same thing, I mean, who cares. That Helms deep map has probably been stolen about 9000 times, but who cares, I only pay attention to the author in good maps, and most people would, I don't have any idea who stole it, and it's gone miles out of whack due to the lack of version numbers. I don't even the most recent maker/stealer.