Though I am with Bush, and I respect Bush I don’t like how he and his administration say that global warming isn’t a issue. Right now Ice caps in the North Pole and South Pole are melting. If you see in maps of the North and South Poles of the 1970s and 2006, you can see a big difference.
This is true, but it doesn't account for the underwater ice caps. Global warming is part of a cycle, it's not some recently developing trend.
The ozone layer has been greatly reduced. Especially in Australia which has a big hole directly over them and many people are getting cancers there.
Well, considering that the things that are contributing to global warming are HELPING the ozone layer, it's not that bad.
Global warming, garbage, deforestation, pollution, littering, and interfering with nature all connect. Factories produce more from supply and demand which creates pollution which goes into the air and waters and weakens the ozone layer.
The main ozone killers are the hydrocarbons and fluorocarbons, both of which are no longer used in most countries.
When forests are being cut down, fewer carbons are being taken away and there will be less oxygen which is a main source of life for us humans and animals.Littering and the stacking of garbage causes chemicals like methane to be produce which is also harmful to the air.
Actually, the overwhelming majority of oxygen is produced by blue-green algae in the ocean. Methane is produced more by cow burps than by landfills.
When animals are being taken from the wild, there will be more of some species which will be produced which can eat more of some plants which are needed to take away more carbon and make more oxygen.
More animals means more carbon absorbtion from the atmosphere. Organisms on earth are carbon based, and where do you think that carbon comes from?
Also, we take care to not to cause disparaging imbalances in nature.
Pollutions from factories causes the green house effect which again causes the ice caps to melt and rise in sea level.
Even if all the ice caps melted, it would not be a substantial rise in the oceans.
We humans are actually killing ourselves. We have to watch what we do and not be careless.
Well, duh?
Use less paper and do not doodle.
Why? Creative outlets are what we need to find new solutions to our problems. This is like saying stop printing books because they waste paper.
Mc Donalds has been cutting down forests in Brazil for their boxes for their big macs.
No one accused McDonald's of being healthy for anything or anyone.
In about forty years the ozone layer will be weakened so much that people will eventually get cancer and move to other areas which are non-livable and somehow actually live there, produce factories, make more pollution and harm the environment.
I'd love to see a source for that "forty years" claim.
When this continues there won’t be any ozone layers and there will be no life on Earth.
Anti-radiation shielding isn't hard to make.
And water, though the earth is covered in 75% of water, only 10% IS FRESH WATER.
Actually, only 3% is fresh water. and 2/3 of that is frozen.
Pretty soon we will have to use our toilet water and refine them.
We already do that.
Many humans don’t care and they are saying it is impossible. So I hope you people conserve more and think about the world and tell other people not to waste. Earth is limited.
F**k Humans.
Oil and gas prices are going up because we are running out.
No, they are going up because people are greedy.
Soon we will have to use nuclear power. It might be a good thing but it takes HUNDREDS of years to get rid of the radiation and waste.
Half-life's are faster than you might think. You get more radiation from an LCD watch than you ever will from buried nuclear waste.
So try not to be greedy and share and reuse and don’t waste!
I’m sorry about the disorganization, but please try the best you can to read it.
It's unforgivable