Hoo hoo boy, no offence to anyone, but it seems in the last year weve lost alot of the... "informed left wing" people we once had in the serious discussion forum
I think that America is the most powerful nation in the world because of the thousands of multi-national companies that are based in america. THe ones that make 3rd world people work for incredibly low wages, deporting their own natural resources from that country, then after being proccessed, buying them back for twice the price they sold them.
Doing this to several countries helps america maintain its sense of power.
I hope we wont have to discuss Iran.. And I belive 50% 9/11 was terrorists and another 50% of me belives it was made by the government to find a silly excuse for war.
Wow, now that's some excuse ! If I would be in the goverment & want to find an excuse for war, I would blow up something smaller, with less casualties.
You would be surprised how little world leaders care about their own people, even when pretending to. I think DarK is pretty much right. while the attack was harsh, it was severely provoked, and they were able to start a war on iraq, claiming that it had "weapons of mass destruction". Although its a bit funny how everyone magically forgot about this statement as soon as hussein was taken out of power. (who, by the way, was put in power by the CIA a long time ago)
"No blood for oil" was a popular slogan of the anti-war movement because people made the connection between the US-led drive to war and the big corporations’ desire to "liberate" Iraq’s oil (the second largest known reserves in the world at the time of the invasion). The US aimed to install a new regime in Baghdad that would be more amenable to USbased multinationals.
In a sick twist the "reconstruction" of Iraq has been a massive source of "corporate welfare", the contracts (handed out by the US authorities in Baghdad) mainly going to companies based in countries that supported the war — the very same countries that helped devastate Iraq’s infrastructure and economy!
All in all, you cant beat it, because once one president is out, another is in who does just as bad. It isnt the leaders, its capitilism. For those that dont know what the definition of Capitilism is, here you go:
Capitalism is a fundamentally inhumane system. Corporations controlled by a tiny handful of the ultra-rich monopolise society’s wealth, technology and productive power. The land, natural resources, machinery and factories - the "means of production" - are owned by private individuals, the capitalists. And governments in the wealthy countries wage wars on their behalf to control sources of wealth like oil. While this minority enriches themselves off corporate profits and live the high life, the rest of society can survive only by working.
The vast majority of people make their living by selling their ability to work to the capitalists. Even if you work for one of the remaining "public" state-owned companies, capitalists still profit from your work through the subsidies governments give big business out of the profits of state companies as well as your taxes and out of the services the public sector provides to private enterprises to make profit-making just that little bit easier.
This division of society into "haves" and "have-nots" is not new. Past societies were also divided into classes. In ancient Rome there were slave owners and slaves. In the Middle Ages there were feudal lords, vassals, guild masters, journeymen, apprentices, serfs. The development of capitalist society didn’t do away with class divisions but it made them simpler.
I may have gone a bit overboard, but thats pretty much my view on America right now.