QUOTE(Rantent @ May 24 2006, 11:47 PM)
Americans are fat, happy and stupid.
The real workers in my opinion are asian, specifically indian. They just come here to get money.
I geuss thats all opinion....
Your saying Americans are white, which in fact every one is an American if you were born here or if you have lived here for 7 years and were granted citizenship.
So if your talking about Asians in America then you are infact saying Americans are hard workers
Anyway, I think alot of people here are making assumptions that all Rich people are bad or that having owners of business are bad. The two infact are not bad at all in my opinion.
QUOTE(Rantent @ May 25 2006, 02:47 AM)
Americans are fat, happy and stupid.
The real workers in my opinion are asian, specifically indian. They just come here to get money.
We just had our graduation today, and of our top ten people, 8 of them were asian. And of those 8 asians, only one indian.
Orientals > Indians
I love how only one person has actually talked about the article... or is chris too scared to challenge it? Let me guess.... not a reliable source?
QUOTE(NuclearRabbit @ May 25 2006, 07:40 PM)
I love how only one person has actually talked about the article... or is chris too scared to challenge it? Let me guess.... not a reliable source?
I don't need to, its the same old crap, just with fancy words and so called sources.
So if your talking about Asians in America then you are infact saying Americans are hard worker
Well many of the ones I'm speaking about are not actually putting their wealth and work into our economy. I have two friends that I can think of who are getting their degrees here to move back to asia and provide services there. Its simply that america has resources, we just don't use them ourselves, which is basically what is upsetting people.
See here, buddy, pumping out greenhouse gasses could actually save the Earth. When the ice age comes, it'll freeze up a good amount of the planet. But if we pump out the greenhouse gases, they'll melt that ice, decreasing the length of the ice age. Did you know that the Earth got out of an extreme ice age which froze the entire planet including the oceans by volcanoes pumping out--you guessed it--GREENHOUSE GASSES!
Now then, I'm not trying to say greenhouse gasses are good, but you environmentalist folks are quite mentalist, and it pisses me off. YOU CAN'T SAVE THE PLANET. ICE AGES ARE NATURAL.
I recycle dont we all?... and i though there was a ozone layer hole thingy in the north pole? and i dont realy care... ill be dead b4 the earth dies An asian born in america without a citizenship is still asian, is he not?
I thought immigrants came over here for work, often getting the lowest paying jobs but they dotn care, because in comparing to whee they came from, its a hell of a lot better.
Or so i thought, im not american.
Oh by the way, DTBK you dont think australia has enough resources to become a power? We have the resources, were just not usign them, much like Rantent said above (except im pretty sure he was talking about america)
I dont think America needs nukes to fall apart. America is rotting from the core, you hear songs putting down the way the country is run, greenday and p!nk are just a couple of the many i could name of popular american artists that dont beleive in thier country (or the way it is run) anymore.
This has happened before in history. "Those who cant remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Someone once said this famous quote and its quite true. What happened to the Byzantines? To the Romans? The Hittites? This has happened many times before.
Rome use to be as big as america is now, but eventually they got so rich and greedy, that people in Rome began cutting off thier own thumbs so they were no longer elegible to fight in the army. Once Rome had lost its Army, it fell apart from the inside, losing its Commerce, and then the other rebels and Huns were able to just march in and take it. This is also why so much information was lost, and why the entire latin language is not known, because it was lost in the invasion and downfall of Rome.
I think the same thing will happen to America. They'll push to many countries, and it'll snap, and there will be riots and wars and whatever else. All i can do is predict.
I don't need to, its the same old crap, just with fancy words and so called sources.
Wait.. Wait a minute.. Let me get this straight.. It's the "same old crap with fancy words and so called sources" because:
A) It conflicts with your point of view
B) Has provided evidence against your argument and you cannot rebuttle it, so you try to debunk it
C) The source is "unreliable", yet it's from an actual Government website (The House Of Representative's to be exact) and the source is Republican/Conservative
Okay Chris. Please explain to us all how you come to the conclusion that it's "the same old crap, just with fancy words and so called sources" when it's cited from an official government website. Are you now going to change what you've been saying in all the other threads about how the government never lies and that they are good, only now to say that they do lie and that they are bad just because Euro has provided evidence that you cannot rebuttle against?
Do tell.
Chris please do not reply in this thread until you have decided to talk about the TOPIC. God damned n00bs these days...
''I do not know what weapons will WW3 be fought with, but WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones. '' Albert Einstein
It's me smacking both of you for trying to post more than me and Viz in this thread.
The person below me is gonna be the person who posts the 1337'th post in this topic
nope, because that is not yet here
the person below me is in post number 1331
The person below me is still in school.
Nope I got out about and hour ago! 3:11 at my house
The person below me wishes he was out of school for summer!
I'm already in summer vacation.
The person below me is jealous of me.
kinda, only because of that one reason!
the person below me is jealous for more than just that reason
The person below me is jealous of me for more than that reason.
thats what i said!
the person below me is dumb!
I am the 1337th post.
The person below me is not 1337 because he/she's not the 1337th post.
good observations
the person below me hates me!
The person below watches wrestling.
nope, boring and fake
the person below me is dead!
F**k yea.
The person below me is a n00b at melee gaming
I guess you could say that, maybe better than a noob!
The person below me sucks at UMS gaming!