So, since when do you need factual evidence to believe? That's the exact side you're taking, and yet, you're arguing against it. Bizarre logic. When Christians are confronted with the fact that THEY have to prove the existence of God, the response is always: "You can't "prove" belief."
How are you going to convert me by arguing with my points? I do not feel anything that makes me believe there is a God, the idea does not "ring true". Perhaps I shouldn't use metaphor if you're going to be so thickheaded about it.
I didn't come here to argue. I came here to state why I lack faith in God or supposed Gods. Somehow you've managed to warp this into a "conversion by logic" thread. It wasn't originally a bad idea, either, it's just... why are you arguing with people? Does their lack of faith disturb you that much?
Wilhelm, are you saying you're fueled by faith? You don't believe in a god due to faith? If so, I'm not going to argue against you; I'll say I'm sorry for misinterpretting your posts the first time. However, I would think people who were atheists would have evidence in their beliefs.

Damn right.
The person below me thinks this is the 270 degree 1 way turn that leads to billys house.
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Staredit stops the spaces =(
The person below me loves world of warcraft.
the person below me is a regular
QUOTE(Jammed @ May 1 2006, 03:30 AM)
i think if you came to live to another country & it doesen't deport you back, show atleast some respect to it.
i agree with this fully...but we gotta be careful with the terrorist and stuff so i voted no comment
i guess we are thought of as the world police or whatever. our country is alot younger than most others out there. and ironically we are the stronger than them. my guess would be that our leadership in the past has been stronger than most?
I have several reasons to be an atheist.
-God is a man invented term
Before there was "god," there was us. So we invented the term and since then there was "god." I have no obligations to believe what man has created.
-Religion is forceful
Christianity and Judaism forces strict life habits on oneself. That moral code, you see, is like "the vermin of the masses." I hate how religions try to influence people when they don't want to believe in it.
-My personal preference
My parents and my guardians tried to force the christianity by forcing me to go to church when I didn't want to go. They make me do stuff i don't want to do.
-Pseudoscientific lies
God just doesn't exists... Universe just exists... No scientific data has proven god's existance. If it isn't proven, then I refuse to believe in it.
QUOTE(DT_Battlekruser @ May 17 2006, 10:12 AM)
The United States is the most powerful nation in the world because it is the only developed country never to have suffered a major military conflict on its own soil since 1900. Every European country and Japan were decimated by World War II. Russia was destroyed in World War I. No such catastrophe befell the United States. You might say that World War II was the best thing that happened to us in the twenteith century (for a power grabbing standpoint).
You stole the words from my tongue...
Well... lets see from the historians' viewpoints. US has crazy nationalism. Since the beginning, US was lucky to be far away from Britain during the Revolutionary war. They were lucky to have French on their side. They were also very lucky to have a land far away from the main conflict. As DTBK said, every european nation was bombarded pretty heavily and was forced to build from literal scratch after WWI and WWII.
Also, American industry boomed due to free marketing and loosely based economic system than most other countries. After all, US brought back the democracy. ADDITION:
And I forgot to mention that US is placed in between Asian technological goods from Korea and Japan across Pacific and European goods across Atlantic Ocean. They were extremely lucky to be placed in such a lucky spot.Although my name offers a vague idea of what I am going to state, I will state it again. Cloning is not bad. Only people who get blinded by the lame anti-scientific movies out there causes such scientific lag. We can solve more problems than create more problems. Not to mention without cloning, the field of biology reached its maximum. And plus, it is not like that we will release the cloning option to every single stupid masses out there... IT is more like that we will release it to people who really needs it. Like for example, we can use it to eliminate bad genes this way.
I hope one day that cloning will be successful. I mean we came a long way down here. We can't give up now.
OF course we will die eventually. I don't see any thing beyond that. We are here because we are and stop braggin about how god is merciful and all that. But if you want to actually live, look at your loved ones. it will be a cliche to say this, but live for your loved ones.
Stop being pessimistic. It will only bring you depression and such.
I'm sorry, but I'd rather believe that something created something instead of nothing created something. It may sound stupid, but it's not hurting anybody unlike you guys would if you say my post is bullcrap.
Then what created the first something?
CheeZe, why are you arguing this? It's probably the dumbiest thing ever argued, but let me break it down for you:
Let's say that your friend borrows your brand new bike for a week. At the end of the week, you find your bike broken and mangled in front of your house. Your friend says that he put the bike back yesterday and someone must've come along and broken it. You don't believe him, his statements all register with you as being untrue.
That is how I feel about God, nothing of it registers are being true with me. How does one collect evidence that something doesn't exist? If I say "hey, there's no deer tracks here, that means there was NEVER ANY DEER!" in the middle of the woods, does that prove it? Now if there are NO deer imprints ANYWHERE on Earth, we can't conclude that there are no deer, since we wouldn't know what deer were.
In that sense, arguing for God is senseless because there's no evidence, but demanding proof from the other side is outright stupid. What you'd be requesting is that every item that has ever influenced anyone to the belief of God be destroyed, and by that, I mean you're asking Atheists to travel back in time and destroy them all before anyone else can witness them, and then your point is moot, since you would cease to exist (at least in your current form).
QUOTE(Centreri @ Jun 3 2006, 10:39 AM)
Then what created the first something?
It irritates me to repeat what I have said before: Why does this matter in your life? Why should god have to intervene in our personal lives only to ruin it. If you are saying god did it, then define god. As I stated before, God is a man invented term. A human made the term, not god. Jesus was a human. Mohammad was human, Buddah was human, and Moses was human. You see? get my drift?
I completely agree with wilhelm that we can't prove anything. Because we can't prove god exists, I will not believe that god exists.
I am a bit like Oromis on Eldest actually.You misinterpreted my post.
Nieji said that he believes that something created something, rather then nothing created something. I asked him what created the initial something.
...homework finisher i guess so
the person below me noticed that my signitures arrow is in an different direction
As stated on the other topic, I really noticed and I care so much about it....
The person below me is a straight A student
the immigrants in this country is being completely ignored. They pay everything they have to and all they get back is the racism...
But i see the point that english should be the mother language and you guys here don't like that spanish is becoming more powerful now.
I believe infinite cannot be created. It was always there.
God has no place in my life.
He is useless to me and has no purpose.
You stay alive because you are alive.
Why would you throw away something completely fine before it expires? That'd just be stupid.
God has a place in my life. When I'm feeling scared, I think of God and then I feel better. I feel guilty, I can repent. And then I'm in trouble, I dont go and start blaming somebody. Instead, I ask God for help. My life is opposite of what would've happened if i neven knew him.
The person below me a crooked B student
I live for the moment. The moment and all the sandwiches I need.
QUOTE(Kellimus @ May 31 2006, 12:16 PM)
If you really think about it, that's what humans are here for. Human emotion adds reasons why we are really here.
This is the only saying here that I can really agree on, others came very close but this is the only one that I relate too, if no one was here to keep us alive I think everyone would commit suicide, It just wouldnt make sence.