, It does pop up for me. Which player are you playing with when this happens, or it happens with all? Anybody else having this?
-I could add a counter to kill # of something. I mean I will
-Well, basically in every turn is a location. About every minute, all cars in this location are ordered to move. So basically the stuck cars are mostly moved evert minute. But I took locations from 5 turns for the market, I will think something out. lol I made whole marker using only 5 locations
Not sure about garbage truck.
-kk I will try to reduce colors in mission briefings.
-No I wont add car upgrades. Sorry.
-Yea sure, I will reduce car count. I had to think it myself, but since I have you both
-It's not a map revealer but player buildings under p12 building. I could remove them after 1st mission. But is this necessary?
-Zaibatsu(you finally learned it
) spawn in 2 locations at Z village. And are ordered twice in 1 sec. to move. Anyway I will look at it, if it will be bad I will think something out...
-I could remove armor upgrade, but 4+2 is the same as 3+3 after the fist 2 ups, after that it is 6+2 and 6+3 , are you going to spend that much?
, I made beetle 0 armor right after you reported that you can upgrade them. Will set back to 2 again. Any more suggestion for balance?
You said nothing about KFs, are they working fine?