Okay, the DLDB Keepers are in with permissions and everything. I'm holding off on access to this forum for awhile, though.
Somehow Slyence slipped into the Validating member group. I dunno what's up with that, so I'm a little confused about him, though he got moved.
So, you're DLDB Keepers now. Ain't that cool? You're lucky, I'm going to tell you how to do your job instead of letting you guys scramable.
http://www.staredit.net/index.php?act=downloads is the DLDB. Hopefully you knew that before you applied. Anyway, you'll notice a nice new link on the side there. "Administration". That's where the fun stuff is.
You'll get a nice menu
·Approve/Deny UMS maps submitted. (75)
·Approve/Deny Melee Maps submitted. (11)
·Approve/Deny Modifications submitted. (1)
·Approve/Deny Programs and Sound wavs submitted. (30)
: : : They do what they say. The number is the number of items in the menu. If you're lucky it'll be accurate.
·Edit files in the database
: : : Edit a file in the DLDB. You should know the name or ID before you go in.
·Update Map Spotlight
: : : Manage this if you guys find an exceptional map that everyone deserves to play. I mean high quality exemplary maps, not some bound I made on the crapper when I was drunk. When you're putting a new file up, move the top two down and put the new one on top.
·Manage DLDB Ban Filters
: : : I dunno if you guys can use this. Even if you can, don't mess around this. If you ban anyone, I'd reccomend telling someone first or making sure the REASON field is filled out very well. Otherwise, we might get a bit suspicious. There really shouldn't be much reason to ban, only use this for serious offenses.
·Check for broken links
·Reported broken links
: : : I'm not quite sure if these work anyway. Never used them, checked them now and they were both empty. Ignore them.
·Check for broken topic links
: : : Personally, even I don't know where the topics go, so there's no point bothering with this.
·Optimize the Database
: : : I dunno if you can use this. You shouldn't have a reason to anyway.
·Check FTP/MySQL for unused items
: : : Do you have access to the FTP or MySQL around here? Didn't think so.
1. Make sure you CHECK the category. Nothing looks dumber than an RPG in Arena/Click. Or, even more obvious to find, a melee in the replay section. Ensure that the file's details all check out before you consider approval.
2. Rating files... while not required, is good practice to give people some feedback on the maps.
3. Crappy maps... if the maps are bad, just blam them. Someone's file didn't get in? Too bad. We run a quality database over here.
4. Of course, read the Map Approval Policy at the top of the main menu. That should give you an idea of what not to approve.
Any questions? Send them to someone in charge. That would include me. And some other people, like isolated or maybe DT_Batlekruser. Its up to you.
And, that's all you need to know. Good luck, enjoy the experience.
Yeah, I mispelled your name, DT.