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Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yenku on 2005-12-05 at 18:53:36
I actually don't think decaf was wrong.. I admit he shouldn't modify it at all without permision but his ideas would have helped more. And it is quite obvious you don't know a great deal about map making.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by decafchicken on 2005-12-05 at 21:33:08
QUOTE(Yenku @ Dec 5 2005, 07:53 PM)
I actually don't think decaf was wrong.. I admit he shouldn't modify it at all without permision but his ideas would have helped more.  And it is quite obvious you don't know a great deal about map making.

I only did it as a visual representation, i wasn't planning on starting a war over ethical modification of maps.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Brother_Green on 2005-12-06 at 02:57:14
neither of you are listening properly. I dont give a shiz if he modified it, but almost all of the stuff he modified in fact made the map worse than it was before. Its just that simple. If your giving criticism, be prepared to take it. Again, simple.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by decafchicken on 2005-12-06 at 15:15:29
QUOTE(Brother_Green @ Dec 6 2005, 03:57 AM)
neither of you are listening properly. I dont give a shiz if he modified it, but almost all of the stuff he modified in fact made the map worse than it was before. Its just that simple. If your giving criticism, be prepared to take it. Again, simple.

Worse? The only thing i found that it did worse was that you could attack the natural from the high ground path, but i clearly stated that when i posted it in the first place. I also mentioned that is is only a "ROUGH DRAFT" i never said it was perfectly better than the original and without flaws. I said it was a rough draft to show possible improvements, such as changing the nat/min only/island expo.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yenku on 2005-12-06 at 18:53:53
I think brother green doesnt understand that you were only modifying the top have so that the bottom should mirror the top..

And if he does get it, then, again, you dont know too much about making maps. You dont want thin mids, thats quite stupid, park some tanks or static d and you can control the mid.
Even korhal of ceres, one of the worse pro maps, has a thin mid, but it has 2 ways around and exits along the way.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by starparty on 2005-12-06 at 20:02:10
Actually you should all consider making a choise.

Either you make maps for yourself or for the competitive players. Act like this to a good player and he will not even bother about your map. OR you can just ignore that and use it for your own purposes, but then you have no point in submitting it to a site like this for evaluation.

Its not about what the mapmaker thinks. Its about what the beholders think. Anyone who actually playtested their maps with other players know that they NEVER plays the map the way you "intended" them too, so why even bother in trying to prove something that barelly works even in theory?

If players dont like the map, what ill the creator do? try to convinve THEM that THEY are wrong??? That is just plain ignorance. Dont believe that you are right always in every matter. I used too, and i had to take the concequenses of that. Then i turned around, began to make maps for the players instead, listening to them, implementing their interests into my maps. Today (4)Arena is used in one of this years biggest online broodwar events outside korea.

Then ofcourse you hear someone whine "LT clone" from a corner, but hey - They use it because they like it, and not some experimental crap with obvious balanceproblems. I make solid maps, and i get solid responses on them. If someone critizises them i dont argue with them, i listen, because if the map was perfect noone would complain on it.

Im not here to be nice, im here to exchange knowledge. This is the cold (mapmaking) truth, take it or leave it...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Valug on 2005-12-06 at 20:23:03
[sub]Ok, im going to try and explain it to you, cause I don't think you get it yet, read this part slowly and carefully, and give extra attention to the bold.

QUOTE(decafchicken @ Dec 1 2005, 07:49 PM)
Instead of telling, i'll show you.  I roughly modified half the map to show you some improvements.

Note: It's just a rough draft so their are some problems, like min only cliff being able to hit the nat with tanks.

Now, if you still don't get it, I'll even explain it for you, ready? Good.

He modified the top half of the map, since the map is a mirror, it would be a waste of time to redo the whole map to just get a few points across. When your looking at his verson of your map pretend that it is mirrored.

Now, lets look at what you said, so I'll make sure we clear EVERYTHING up. Heres your most recent complaint.

QUOTE(Brother_Green @ Dec 6 2005, 01:57 AM)
neither of you are listening properly. I dont give a shiz if he modified it, but almost all of the stuff he modified in fact made the map worse than it was before. Its just that simple. If your giving criticism, be prepared to take it. Again, simple.

Now, lets go back to your original complaint.

QUOTE(Brother_Green @ Dec 1 2005, 07:57 PM)

I think that you just slightly butchered that. The only thing that got better was the top left gas island.

You made blues base 2x larger than reds, and blues nat is now harder to defend because its way more open. You left one rusty pit but took the other away which really kerfarklered the middle area, which is supposed to be tight enough so tanks can hit in, or a templar with storm, or a defiler, etc. Its way too wide now, which is not what I was aiming for.

AND the left side middle minerals now has easier high ground, which gives you a bonus on the defense.

All you had to do to fix it was change the layout of the gas island, which in truth didnt hamper anything anyway.

Hmm, lets look here. Blues base is larger then reds, well, I wonder why? He only edited HALF the map. Oh, and look, another reason that can be easily explained, if you can only get it through your head. Oh my, wait.. Everything you complained about would make sense if you accually READ...

So, ill sum up everything in this last paragraph., since im sure you will not read this whole post.

Your an idiot, your only legit complaint is that the middle is too wide now, yet you cannot understand that it is needed to stop terran push. If its thin, theres nothing that can stop terran to push though the map. Learn to read, understand and think things through before posting. Your an idiot.[/sub]

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yenku on 2005-12-06 at 21:25:00
omg i love you both sp and valug.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Valug on 2005-12-06 at 21:51:15
[sub]That post alone got me like 35 minerals. smile.gif[/sub]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by decafchicken on 2005-12-07 at 19:24:43
Thankyou, i love people that know what they were talking about.

I saw that SP was reading this thread yesterday, and checked it a little later, he was still there and thought "He must be writing a huge ass post" tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Valug on 2005-12-07 at 19:51:35
[sub]Mine was bigger, but since I use this small ass font it seemed litt.e[/sub]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yenku on 2005-12-07 at 21:24:28
lol you count how many minerals you get?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Valug on 2005-12-08 at 10:19:43
[sub]I didnt accually count, but I glanced at my minerals before and after, and it went about about 30, and I exaggerated it to 35. tongue.gif[/sub]
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