Can you make the name "Diggidoyo" instead of SlayerZ-Pr0. No one knows who SlayerZ-Pr0 is here...
How about a theme like "has to involve nukes". That would be fun =D Not to many nuke maps out there.
And actually.... I'm going to HAVE to comment on MillenniumArmy's map. It was great, but it almost seemed a direct bite off of Starman Jr.'s
Particle Arena. In his map, you control dropships, and accumulate interceptors. Then you unload a unit to either launch them at a particular player (with minor homing capabilities) or a burst shot (which has higher damage but no aiming). Honesetly, I feel Starman's map was better just becuase of better control over your shots, and the addition of powerups. Powerups include:
- Invinciblity
- Lite Boost (+15 interceptors)
- Shields
- Blocker
- 2x homing aim
- Destroy other players interceptors
- etc (i forgot a couple)
Has anyone else played this map? No discredit to MillenniumArmy and his map, but I'm pretty sure the idea belongs to Starman Jr.
Particle Arena is already in the DLDB: @ Feb 20 2006, 01:45 PM)
Lol good job MA, I remember the original aerial combat.
Unless, of course, this being v2.1, MillieniumArmy was in fact the original creator of the idea of using interceptors for bullets with v1. HOWEVER, in either of these cases, it still kind of violates the first guideline minimoose set for this contest:
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Feb 4 2006, 01:28 AM)
ยป Must be an original map not made prior to the contest. Steal a map or send in an old one and I'll eat your children.