QUOTE(DeadlyInnocence @ Mar 22 2006, 05:42 AM)
I never noticed this thread. I don't think US did anything to harm USSR. If anything, then it was the overexertion and inflation caused by it. The scientific race with US caused that. But that was rather minor.
The very reason why USSR failed was similar to how old Russian Empire failed; it depressed Russians and lost the "Mandate of Heaven," as Chinese would say it. It lost the general support of the people and soon lost the control of the politics and its economy went down. Because of the failed wars and depression, the USSR failed. Also, the inequality among the riches and the poors, excuse me, too much equality, caused the downfall of the USSR as well. The doctors got paid the same amount as a scumbag who works at a factory. This discouraged the intellectual advancements in the Russia and soon slowed down Russia as inefficient, unintellectual government.
actually money didnt matter that much, becawse most of things were free, or EXTREMELY CHEAP. for example - you pay for your flat about a dollar a month. phone, gas, electrisity,water - about 5 dollars... (if i transfer approximetly correct)
the only minus was taht the quality of life was low... but the soviet person had 1 thing a person from a nother country didnt have... he was sure of tomorrow.
in democracy if you loose your job, you can have nothing to eat the next day, but in USSR, all the people were busy, all knew, that they will have somethng to eat tomorrow. today only the richest countries can afford such social protection.