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Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2006-04-11 at 20:14:48
With that being said, I've posted up a new topic in the FAQs forum inspired by this topic: How to: Contest Moderation.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2006-04-12 at 00:33:32
My god... about time someone said "if you don't like it, leave"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)MinigameEast on 2006-04-12 at 01:09:56
thank god for updates.

is there anymore loop holes that we have to find?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zombie on 2006-04-12 at 01:30:49
Wow, you people, lets get started shall we?

[QUOTE]What you think is a flame may not be a flame, but a simple disagreement. There's only 1 member at SeN that has reported himself. If you truly want this to be fixed, start by not flaming yourself or reporting yourself.[/QUOTE]

I’ve reported myself in a topic, way ago but that was when aster was a mod. I can see some posts not being flames but just being a simple disagreement, but most I’ve see are actual flames.

We've always encouraged Mods to write a PM when warning. When we ban, we don't really tell you because you won't get to read it.[/QUOTE]

Email is possible.

[QUOTE]Nobody has been warned for reporting, only because of the comment you may state in the report. And, we don't have to notify you of the status of your reported post.[/QUOTE]
Not yet. I’ve been threatened by CheeZe, and not because of my statement of the report.

[QUOTE]You can see your own warn level and logs. We've also been encouraging all Mods to also write a PM. That's 1 obligatory notification and 1 which is going to be there depending on the circumtsances.[/QUOTE]
Oh, I know that you can see your own warn level, but still some notification should be possible.

[QUOTE]There's no rule against trolling. Old members don't get away with flaming. DK has like 40% warn, Rexy is more or less on that level and Kame has 20%. Happy?[/QUOTE]
No. Devilisk get's away with crap all the time.

[QUOTE]I gave you 2 different chances to do this, I said I would revoke those warns if you write proof and s\an arguement on why it should be revoked. You all started flaming yourselves and ordering us what to do, you guys blew it on yourselves.[/QUOTE]
And when did this happen?

[QUOTE]Ya, because I can't warn Globals or Admins because we don't have warn levels. Send somebody other than the rulebreaker a PM and we'll deal with him.[/QUOTE]
You might not be able to warn mods and admins but something should be done about a rule breaking staff member.

[QUOTE]That would be because over 90% of the people who try to do this end up with a higher warn level than before because you start flaming.[/QUOTE]
Never seen that happen.

[QUOTE]What is your definition of spam then?[/QUOTE]
Worthless topics.

[QUOTE]Outside of SeN, nothing matters. You can break a law outside your country, but you can't be prosecuted in your country for it. Mods can't threaten anybody, Moogle did it only once and we dealt with him.[/QUOTE]
That’s odd; I seem to recall CheeZe threatening to warn me.

[QUOTE]Half the supposedly "funny topics" are spam. YOu already have like 10 forum games and 3 survivors.[/QUOTE]
O RLY? What’s your definition of spam?

[QUOTE]Starcraft is rated "T".[/QUOTE]
Mature and teen are almost the same thing.

[QUOTE]So we are supposed to be babysitters now?[/QUOTE]
No, I don’t recall ever saying anything about that.

[QUOTE]If someone is flaming you just report them, don't get entangled in an eventual flame war.[/QUOTE]
Oh I know that I’m supposed to report them, and I do. But I don’t ever know if the Mod’s did anything.

[QUOTE]And a few quotes from the FAQ Forums.[/QUOTE]
I’ve read the FAQ, thank you.

[QUOTE]Kellimus thinks all of my posts are trolls and flames because of one or two posts a while back, meh. He always likes to use me as an example just because he dislikes me.[/QUOTE]
Not all. You need to re-think a few things.

[QUOTE]That's already rule #9 in my rules topic - though it applies only to admins.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE]Unless you're abusing it by submitting tons of bogus or spam reports, I don't see how anyone could ever be warned for reporting a topic. Please cite an example.[/QUOTE]
Never have. But still a certain mod gets all pissy.

[QUOTE]Maybe you should start trying.[/QUOTE]
Try? Try? Hahaha, and get flamed by merrell and everyone else? Yea, I think not.

[QUOTE]Well, this should definitely be one of the things to start reporting. If they're telling you to stop breaking a rule or something, that's OK. Otherwise, this would go on a case-by-case basis of what they're threatening you with.[/QUOTE]
Yea, I should, but is threatening to warn you worth telling you about?

[QUOTE]There used to be a time when StarCraft and mapping were fun.[/QUOTE]
Yea there was.

[QUOTE]How you choose (note: your choice) to react to ANYTHING on the internet is purely your choice and your problem. Take some responsibility for your actions. Believe it or not, people (who tend to be happy people) DO have control of their emotions and reactions. Learn it.[/QUOTE]
Ok, so I know that you guys can’t control the reactions of people.Also, learn what? I already have control of my reactions.

[QUOTE]What's your basis for assuming the other person didn't have any moderating actions taken against them? Also, see above statement.[/QUOTE]
Um, how am I supposed to know? Read a mod’s mind?

[QUOTE]t would really suck if all the Admins and Global Mods logged on to find one of the moderators suspended them all and took over the site.[/QUOTE]
That would be scary.

[QUOTE]nstead of making a long drawn out post like some of the one's I've seen. I'll post my opinion with a simple picture:

Also, this topic only supports the fact that all Kellimus and Zombie do at SEN is cause controversy and huge discussions about the stupidest things. And cause arguments.[/QUOTE]
Hey thanks for proving a few things out for me. You’re so cool and amazing I don’t know what to say.

[QUOTE]I'm sure I have to suck up to authority not to get banned. rolleyes.gif

And my warn log has nothing to do with this, and for your information this was the last time I was warned:

Warned on Sep 18 2005, 01:27 AM

And to prove one of Zombie's ideas wrong about[/QUOTE]

Why thank you for helping me prove my point!!
m not saying anything of this because I'm sucking up. I'm saying this because its true that the only thing you and Zombie do is post crap about how SEN sucks by complaining about all the crap Zombie said in his first post.
Uh hello? I just made a list of suggestions for the site.

[QUOTE]This is the stupidest topic I've ever seen, do you really see any use to this? Do you really think that the mods are going to suddenly realize that they were wrong becuase you posted a bunch of stupidity? Here's an idea, stop biznatching about the rules and follow them for once[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the flame.

[QUOTE]Ok, it's now at the point where I'm getting sick of this crap.

Here are some points which you should all have noticed by now:

1. There are some members who are almost always present in flame topics.
2. Some members have been given too many second chances.
3. Some members like to complain about the quality of moderation because they can't keep their emotions under control long enough to avoid flaming, or indeed realise what flaming actually is.

You know who you are. Or maybe you don't.

I'm a very tolerant person - but my patience has almost run out with certain people.
You know? I’m getting sick of flaming members and spammers. Also I like the site, I just don’t like what’s going on with it.

[QUOTE] With that being said, I've posted up a new topic in the FAQs forum inspired by this topic: How to: Contest Moderation.[/QUOTE]
I feel so specail.

[QUOTE]My god... about time someone said "if you don't like it, leave"[/QUOTE]
Replied already.

Also, mods can you keep your finger off the triger once in awile and not close a topic before I to even reply to it. You closed it for pretty much no reason.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2006-04-12 at 12:25:09
Zombie, you're off SEN, now. Long has me and just about every moderator on this site been sick of your crap. Second chance going on third going on way more than any member should deserve. Yet, still, you still make every effort to defy authority and make no effort to change. Its time someone takes the horse behind the shed and uses the old shotgun. Here's one more threat to remember us by - one more word around here again and your ISP gets a nice fat letter. You accuse us of being cruel dictators and you were wrong. Now you know what a cruel dictator would actually do. Good day, sir.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2006-04-12 at 12:48:28
Ouch, burn.
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