ok dat edit, makes your data files.
winmpq makes your mpq files.
mpqdraft runs them (i kno this is obvious plz dont flame

When your saving data files make sure its the correct name
Like if you are modding units, you
must save it as
units.datif you are modding weapons, you
must save it as
weapons.datand so on and so forth.
When your done, open winmpq go to file > new, save it anywhere that you can remember.
select your data files and drag them into the winmpq window. When the prompt is displayed (with stuff and a textbox) type in
arr\ and hit enter.
Now you should see in the winmpq window your arr\, followed by your file. example:
When you finish this, close winmpq (dw, winmpq "constantly saves" or so a way to put it.)
Now open MPQDRAFT and click "load MPQ patch"
Click the starcraft icon at the top, then at the bottom and click next
Now click "browse for MPQ's" and look for your mpq file we made with winmpq.
When you find it, double click it, then click "open".
You will now see your mpq file with a tick next to it (if the tick isnt there, make sure it is) and click next.
Now make sure starcraft is closed, and click "finish"
Starcraft should load with your mod on it. And your done, just to go join a game and play ur mod.