QUOTE(DT_Battlekruser @ Aug 5 2006, 03:28 AM)
And it isn't illegal here?
Wait doesnt that mean moose just SPAMMED!
Oh well here is the story of DTBK.
When Dt was first born and the doctor was gona slap him on the ass dt just turned over and slapped the doctors hand instead. There parents knew that the day he was born he was gona be a great admin to the world. So as DT grew up his goal was to be the best moderater there is. When DT was just 6 years old he was a healthy (sorry I don't your race) boy who later go into a fight with a kid who stole his lolipop so DT then stood up as a man he is and then did 3 ubertenoku fast punches to the bully's skull and got back his ice cream. Now when Dt was 10 years old, in his class he contructed the children pyramid to make sure everyone had a share.
Mini_Moose_2707 Todd
Candy Merchants
The teatchers and staff
The other kids
Now later on during 2003 a project of name code S.E.N a.k.a staredit network had been progress. DT_battlecruiser took on this mighty roll as moderator while moose got to be the oh my gosh the king *cough* Admin. So till this DT_Battlecruiser has been living up to his Moto "Improving Staredit netork one member at a time". Many examples including, Locking topics, Pwning noobs, saying funny things and of course creating this off beat topic. More examples of Dt_battlecruisers life can be seen in these quotes.
Okay... I had like 900+ minerals, and I havnt gone on SEN for like 2 days, but now I dont know how I only got 54 minerals.
If anyone is looking for a direct explanation of what happened, the "hacker" did the following.
-Logged onto Moose/IP account.
-Messed with warnable staff by suspending them and majorly screwing with their minerals/posts.
-Deleted several large topics. This means that for every post you had in a topic like Signature Request, you lost 16 minerals and 1 post count. If all of a sudden you're missing a lot of those, this is probably why.
-Wreaked other havoc behind the scenes.
YES, when do you think the 7000'th member will be!
the winner gets nothing at all! just a fake you won banner!
and no double accounts.
Rats, I read that as "the winner gets nothing at all but .... won1"
But really, this is impossible to guess, making the topic dumb.
1As in the currency, for all you uncultured swine out there.
Topic Locked
Well that's the life and story of DT_Battlecruiser, the moderator teenager.