Yeah, but what's wrong with categorization? Categorizing things is as old as the hills. I was formatting it like that because I found that neat little {{index}} feature which automatically grabs what's in a given directory and displays it. That way you don't have to edit the root page whenever you want to create or edit an entry, as long as you create it under that category.
I dunno. Just seems kinda common sense to me.
You guys do what you want, though. I've about lost what little patience I could muster for wiki stuff now.
You know, you aren't suppose to change a whole mess of stuff without asking first. That way, your work isn't wasted. Small details in each article can be changed at anytime; contribution and cooperation is the key to wiki. Of course, without cooperation, you get 0wn3d.
By the way, I did say earlier I was gonna try to organize things better. Must not have been too clear, though.