You should try...
Lemee remember it...
Me: I would like to chose option C
Mac: I'm sorry, but as you can see there are only buttons for options A and B. Have a nice day
*scwizard opens up a windows box Windows: Would you like to chose option A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H or I?
Me: Uhh, I guess I want option E.
Windows: Sorry, option E (chose from a random list of really bad stuff, example: makes you computer start up twice as slow). The correct answer is option Δ, but you'll have to go into the windows registry to input that option.
Desktop Linux: You can chose from options A, B or C. Here is a detailed description of what those options do.
*scwizard selects option C Me: Oh no! My computer just exploded!
Linux: Apparently support for your drivers needs some work.
Me: Well I guess I'll have to go into hard to find menu and input option C1.
Linux: That works but causes (chose from a random list of kind of bad stuff).
Linux: The correct answer is (insert console jargon here)
Me: I typed in console jargon and it didn't work
Linux: Your flags are outdated, try these flags
*scwizard can't believe how much time he's just wasted on linux forums A good example of the mac one above is that recently I was told that it was impossible to close a macbook without putting it to sleep.
That's like saying a Switzerland is safer than Israel. It's not because Switzerland has a better military, it's because they have no enemies.[right][snapback]619544[/snapback][/right]