^Was unfortunatly standing next to me while getting crushed by the marshmellow man.
OmgZ! Nobody is above me! I kill the topic!
50 Cent smokes Slim Shady
Commited suicide becuase you couldn't get hard when you finally had your girl friend alone in your bed, so then she dumped you.
Dies by these huligans on my avatar!
TeH RaWRed
To death.
Voyager7456(MM) accidently throws his head in the garbage and the garbage truck comes by to pick it up and crushes it inside the garbage crusher.
Doodan is killed by wierd blue aliens while he is on his comp
Petphot makes his signature a giant picture of a Zergling, that's waaaaaay over the limit. He commits suicide when LegacyWeapon pwns it with his new global mod powers.
FatalException tries to quits living, cold turkey. He succeeds.
Doodan is assasinated by the makers of DBZ for using vegeta in his sig
Petphot goes on a diet. 'Nough said.
FatalExeption dies...
dont ask me how, or why, he just dies.
of course im making NO sense
petphot does not die, instead he lives eternally as my faithful subject in my strife for total world domination.
Red2Blue bursts into flames from the hotness of his sig.
Demaris does not die either. He recieves a rank lower then the monkey bulter servants in my mansion.
After R2B gets burnt, he gets frozen.
Red to blue.
Oh wow, hey, I haven't heard that one yea.. thats new... really.
Demaris posts so many posts in the null section that the posts come back to haunt him during his sleep and eventually destroy him from the inside.
R2B's dry humor makes him shrivel up and be blown away.
Jamie Lynn Spears biznatchslaps Demaris
Jamie Lynn Spears sits on Jay_Tizzle's face and suffocates him. Reportedly, he wasn't too upset by this manner of death.
Stared at his signature for too long and starved to death.
Chris got switch with the PWNED guy in his sig, and was killed by dirty, dirty Germans.
Demaris head explodes after listening to Britney Spear music for about 5 mins straight.
Shadow-Killa_04 has a fatal car wreck while driving down Memory Lane.