I've had chickens aswell. Notice what happens when you remove a chicken's head? It keeps living which proves it doesn't feel pain, in higher animals just the pain of being decapitaed is enough to kill. It also proves that they aren't aware they exist. They lose their brain yet there body still functions normally so it must not do anything but interpret sight, smell and helping the chicken co-ordinate reproduction.
And that doesn't happen in Humans? Yes, it does, people twitch all the time if they die, even more from decapitation. Your saying that since we move after we lose our heads that we don't feel pain, which is obviously wrong.
Neral paths don't just sense pain, they sense all sensation and tell tendons to move muscles to move bones.
And yes, you can die from pain.
For one, Tendons don't move muscles, muscles pull on tendons which move bones.
And two, I don't believe you can die from pain, as it's really just in your mind. You can't even prove you can die from pain either.
On vegetarianism: Doesn't that not only disrupt the balance of life, but also be somewhat bad for you? I mean, if no one ate animals, they would grow too much in numbers and overrun us all, and doesn't meat have stuff that you need that nothing else can give you?
On the topic: That's pretty horrible. They should be killed humanely, like a neck snap or put down. Seriously, if you think this is funny, let's strap you in there.