I do not get how people think this is an 'unprotector'. It is not unprotecting anything. What's the big deal about sharing how you did things, too? The kind of people that are like that are most likely selfish and don't want others to sucede. Be thankful that people are using this program instead of unprotecting your maps to view your triggers now.
Well a protector's purpose is to disallow the user from opening the map.
This opening includes opening triggers and to a lesser extend opening a wav.
Trigger viewer allows you to open the triggers, thus it's in a way, unprotecting the map.
QUOTE(Red2Blue @ Feb 3 2006, 05:50 PM)
Well a protector's purpose is to disallow the user from opening the map.
This opening includes opening triggers and to a lesser extend opening a wav.
Trigger viewer allows you to open the triggers, thus it's in a way, unprotecting the map.
But thats not the point. They were originally developed to stop people from stealing maps, not ideas. And a protector doesn't stop anyone from exporting sounds.
A protector's purpose is open to interpretation.
The purpose of the protection is up to the person who protected it.
i personally dont like the trigger veiwer because its like stealing someone elses artwork. they should ban it from the download database because it is alot like stealing or unprotecting a map.
QUOTE(HeRtZ @ Feb 4 2006, 01:27 AM)
...because it is alot like stealing or unprotecting a map.
But it's not stealing anything. A lot like is not equal to.
The person using the program for malicious intentions is the one stealing. Of course, that'd be like saying another map unprotector should be made for peoples' convience and that it is entirely the map stealers fault to use the program for map stealing.
However, in Trigger Viewer's case, there have been certain mesaures taken to frown upon direct copying of triggers, such as the lack of a save function.
Right now, there's really no reason to complain about the trigger viewer.
First of all, you cannot view locations. To understand how the triggers work, you have to be able to know what each location is, how big each one is, and where each one is located on the map.
Second of all, the triggers are viewed like as in Starforge - comments only. If your map has no comments, it will be an extremely tedious process to have to look through and check each and every trigger. And with nowaday's protection, one of the features is to reduce string size or whatever, and one of the easiest ways to do this is to clear out all trigger comments, trigger switches, and maybe even locations.
And Lastly, IMO I think in order to fully understand triggers, you have to see the whole map. You have to see where things like the units and buildings are located as well as the "hidden ones," where while playing the game, you cannot see them. Perhaps knowing how some of those hidden units are placed is extremely crucial in understanding lots of "behind the scene" triggers. Looking only at the triggers can take you only so far, but to understand it all, you have to see the whole map.
I suppose we should start arguing when the trigger viewer gets it's location viewer again. Yes... we should.
Location viewer is probably coming back soon as ive heard from mindarchon.
Well, that's kind of the point. To make programs that to not allow the user to take credit for making the map, but to let them know how it was made. I can't think of anything wrong with that, unless you're greedy and want to keep your concepts to yourself.
I think there should just be an editor that'll open any map, but doesn't allow anyone to edit or save anything. It's almost like the open-source movement (which would be a killer idea for maps).
Hooray for Trigger/Unit/Sprite/Terrain/Location/Fog of War viewer.
QUOTE(RexyRex @ Feb 5 2006, 12:11 AM)
Well, that's kind of the point. To make programs that to not allow the user to take credit for making the map, but to let them know how it was made. I can't think of anything wrong with that, unless you're greedy and want to keep your concepts to yourself.
I think there should just be an editor that'll open any map, but doesn't allow anyone to edit or save anything. It's almost like the open-source movement (which would be a killer idea for maps).
Hooray for Trigger/Unit/Sprite/Terrain/Location/Fog of War viewer.
Now that kind of editor would be a really huge controversy.
You can view the terrain by playing the map.
Yes you can. You can also view the fog.
Open source mapping... that's an interesting new idea...
It would bring about chaos and the mapping generations post our time will cease to exist. Who made that map? Who made that other map? Okay..
Or nobody posts names and people just have fun playing the game, instead of arguing about credits.
Everyone would be having fun except for the one who made it.
Then that person is selfish. If the map is popular, I think the satisfaction from that would be satisfactory.
I've always wanted to unprotect my maps.
I was actually critisized for not doing so, so I gave them all really pathetic protections.

I suppose so rexy. I guess one must sacrafice their own interests for the greater good.
Use GUEdit.
People don't want to go unrecognized for their efforts, especially if the map took a lot of time. They aren't going to be recognized by people saying, "Hey, you're the one who made an unprotected map that helped me find out how to do new triggering."
Not true. One map (think it was called "Air Bunker Wars") had a concept I wanted to look in to (it was a long time ago

) and I opened it to find a note from the author inside of a comment. It had his screen name, and said that protecting maps is for wimps among other things.
I also found what I was looking for.
Maybe that's the right direction? Leaving "authors notes"?
I am all for "Non-Protected" Maps.
They are way more beneficial. And it's sad that people have to horde information from others.
If/when, I release my maps, they will be unprotected. I don't see the purpose in holding out on people who are curious to learn.
AS for the trigger viewer... Keep it going!

Because after all the work you've done, some punk wants to take all your credit. Not that online credit even matters, but it's still nice to be acknowledged for your work.
I think of it this way:
If they want to take credit for something as low as a map for Starcraft... Then let them. Because what does that say about how they are going to end up when they are adults? Also, if they get their jollies from a(an 8yr old) game as old as SC. I find it funny.
Besides, if you publish the map on places like SeN, and Starcraft.org, and other mapping sites. Those people will know that you were the author. I could care less about some B.net punk, who has no idea how much work some maps take.
QUOTE(Red2Blue @ Feb 5 2006, 01:33 AM)
Yes you can. You can also view the fog.
Open source mapping... that's an interesting new idea...
It would bring about chaos and the mapping generations post our time will cease to exist. Who made that map? Who made that other map? Okay..
QUOTE(RexyRex @ Feb 5 2006, 04:49 AM)
Then that person is selfish. If the map is popular, I think the satisfaction from that would be satisfactory.
QUOTE(RexyRex @ Feb 5 2006, 02:08 PM)
Not true. One map (think it was called "Air Bunker Wars") had a concept I wanted to look in to (it was a long time ago

) and I opened it to find a note from the author inside of a comment. It had his screen name, and said that protecting maps is for wimps among other things.
I also found what I was looking for.
Maybe that's the right direction? Leaving "authors notes"?
I think I'm going to half finish a map, call it open source. Then jsut throw it at whoever wants to finish it.
That's nice.
this is a very interesting read and you should all take a look.