QUOTE(donwano @ Apr 1 2006, 12:39 PM)
[right]You want colder?! Go to Neptune and time during the year.
Oh yeah, it would be Siberia in July, since it is on the Eastern Hemisphere.[/right]
You want more stupidity? Oh wait, that's the stupidest thing I've read or heard or said all day today. Who gives a shiz if it's on the eastern hemisphere? The eastern and western hemispheres are not involved in seasons whatsoever, perhaps you mean that Siberia is in the NORTHERN hemisphere? Where, in fact, it would be coldest is DECEMBER? Listen, plz-dunt-melt-my-brane.
And as for you, ViolentMoose, not only do you seem unable to grasp that "The Day After Tomorrow" wasn't scientifically accurate in showing the effects of the currents from the gulf shutting off, you seem to have some form of autism. I don't know how many times I have to say this, but, the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" IS NOT A REPRESENTATION OF THE EFFECTS OF GLOBAL WARMING. Why?
- A giant hurricane forming over the Northern Hemisphere would not bring such brobdingnagian amounts of cold air down from the troposphere that it would freeze everything. Why? The air from the troposphere would encounter this little thing called WARMER AIR, and the heat would be transferred from the warmer air to the colder air until the temperature was uniform, thus making the temperatures more equal, and the colder air less cold.
Need more? The cold air from the troposphere wouldn't just come down and freeze shiz. It would go into the goddamned hurricane, and freeze the snow and create hail. The hurricane would be encountered first, after all.
- The giant hurricane wouldn't be able to sustain itself. In the movie, the hurricane was situated over LAND. A little bit of LAND. And some more LAND. Hurricanes need water to sustain themselves. Land does not equal water. Hurricane has no water. Hurricane dies. In fact, hurricane cannot even spontaneously come to existence over LAND, because there is not enough water to let Hurricane live. That's why hurricanes start dying once they come upon land.
More proof required? The hurricane was quite a bit up North, you know? Like, NYC-type north. Hurricanes don't usually come up north, go compare the amount of nor'easters a year to the amount of southern hurricanes a year. And when they do come up, they don't really stay too long and they aren't usually powerful.
What's this all mean? Hurricane will not come to existence over North America, due to lack of water. Hurricane will not come to existence in an ocean and move over most of the North American continent, due to lack of water to sustain the hurricane. If hurricane some how manages to exist, it will be weak and die quickly.
NOW THEN VIOLENTMOOSE, WHY DON'T YOU SHUT THE fark UP, AND GET YOUR OWN DEGREE IN SCIENCE? Sorry for my outburst, but I simply can't this ViolentMOOSE fellow. I've tried to explain to y'all that "The Day After Tomorrow" is fiction, but y'know what? Here's the crusher argument. Read it, heed it. If you want even more, I'll get even more, but as of this moment, "The Day After Tomorrow" is shown to be false in one of its most major components. I don't doubt global warming will hurt us, but don't believe these piece-of-shiz movies.