Why should someone have to share triggers that they have created. its their property(not legally, but w/e). it'd be awful nice for them to share and we could return the favor by improving it. but by no means should someone be expected to share the work.
Yeah but why would you care if someone used it in there map in order to make there map better? If no one told anyone how to do anything where would we be? Your so worried about protection. Now what if the people who got the oringal CHK specs never shared them? What if we never shared how to gain access to the MPQ's. We would still be working off regular staredit.
just to get facts straight, since you're anti competitive, does that mean you're against map making competitions/contests too?
You didn't read one part of what I wrote :
It's not like your competing over something.. If your competing to win thats a different sorry. I never said I was anti compeitive.
for the competiveness aspect. i personally wouldn't prefer that in the mapmaking community, but you can't deny it would bring about innovation and better maps. notice how in wars there are major technological booms. thats cause war is one big(, ugly) competition.
Yes but if you disallow someone to see how you did something it will only make it harder for them to compete. If there is no competition innovation seems to start lacking.
you're right, people do care mostly about fun, but they also care about who made that fun map. if you're on USwestand you happen to be in the same game as Panzer Kavalier(yes, i know, its not actaully him), you'll see people going "OMG! panzer kavalier, didn't you make ???. ??? was such as awesome map"
Sure why not but it dosn't mean I care about him. I mean hell he could turn out to be a jerk. I'll treat him the same way I treat all the other jerks. If he's cool I'll treat him the same way I treat all the other cool people. I wont play a map just because he made it.
lastly, whats so bad about receiving credit for work you do? would you be okay if someone else took your paycheques at the end of every two weeks for work you did? I recognize the fact that mapmaking isn't as "real-life" and important as a paycheque, but the same principle applies. overall, its not very important, but it still means something to be recognized for a job. well done
I never said anything bad about receiving the credit for work you do. Receiving credit is great but if you arn't going to release a damn good map because your afraid of someone stealing it then you need to understand that you should be happy enough opening up the games tab and seeing your game on there a few times.