I've seen the new unprotector which it said it can unprotect any maps...It's funny seeing those noobs...one of them said:
Heh, you Staredit.net !@!s, get the hell out, rexyrex and cheezus. You only here, trying to make this file unpopular, because you from the place that makes file protection in the first place.
But, this will spread far and wide. Go bítch about it at staredit.net
Impressive program. This will stir up the Staredit Network community and b.net for sure.
SunshineBird and I are very proud to be here today as a part of the StarCraft community. It has been my goal and ambition to make maps open source and it seems that today we have accomplished that goal. We give you all, OSMAP (Open Source MApping Project)! The first public program that is able to unprotect any programmed protection in existance. We do not detect protection because that would greatly limit the program. We have instead, decided to make toggle-able options that may be used to better unprotect maps.
This was made clearly to steal maps because if you just want to see the triggers then why not use trigger viewer...