QUOTE(Nozomu @ May 14 2005, 02:07 AM)
2. Well, I did lose the game. But I didn't really care either way. Let's put it this way. I played a melee game. It was boring. I am justified in forming an opinion based on that. I have absolutely no interest in doing more research on the subject.
Okay, thanks for showing everyone reading the thread how much of a dumbass you are. Money maps are nothing like actual starcraft: no fun, no strategy, no balance.
I don't see you out there campaigning against those $$$FASTEST$$$ maps. I wonder why?
Hmmm... maybe there wasn't an outpouring of affection for them?
You obviously hate them with a passion, though they don't detract from your own gaming experience in any way.
Well, because of them, you think a melee game on Sin Gaema Gowon is like a game on $BGH$. They apperently tarnish melee.
I think from now on I'll only play $$$FASTEST$$$ maps and then hit up the WGTour forums claiming that UMS is WAAAAY better than melee based on that. Does that sound about right?
Step 1. Scroll up
Step 2. Read that we are in a melee forum
It seems to me that you've been playing the UMS equivalent of $$$FASTEST$$$ maps, and you're ignorant of how much fun UMS actually is. But unlike you, I don't see the need to convert people to my point of view. In fact, I'm kind of glad I won't see you joining any of my games anytime soon.
Give me a break. UMS games are like any other quirky online game you can find. Maybe you haven't realized that?
3. UMS maps afford me just the level of structure and possible creativity I like. I like to work within systems that are already preconstructed. So yes, that's why I make UMS maps instead of programming.
Okay, but it isn't like that isn't possible with programming. You also seem to be a masochist: you enjoy being confined within a limited engine, when if what you want to do it make games your creativity could soar with a game engine a graphics library.
I certainly enjoy playing games and making maps on my computer, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to go on some quest to "convert the ignorant melee players to UMS" like you're trying to do in reverse.
What are you doing right now?
I guess I just don't care enough about other players to do that. But I do care enough to defend myself and my community when someone jumps into this site and claims that UMS sucks.
Absolutely no different from what I am doing.
In fact, why even come here if you are of that opinion? Go start a melee-only mapping site or something and have a ball!
We are in a melee forum.
4. Did you even look at the brackets? FF7 won the poll as the best game ever. So yes, StarCraft lost a poll. Not that it bothers me, I play games because they're fun, not because they're popular.[right][snapback]208012[/snapback][/right]
You ignorant dumbass. Are you even aware of the televised pro leagues leagues? Are you aware of the huge popularity of WGTour+PGTour? Does anything even resembling that exist for Smash Bros or FF7? No. People might like those games, but they are not played on anywhere close to the scale as starcraft.
I hope you viewed it after the edit, the formatting was messed up.
EDIT: typos
I'm tired, and I can't write right now, so if I didn't make sense, try reading it again T__________________T
I did edit some things.