QUOTE(Haplo @ Feb 4 2006, 02:29 PM)
Pfft! You don't even use a mac.. You have no right to even talk here. You could use SF if you wanted, or SCMD2 now. We have NOTHING. Anyone with an intel-mac right now (the 4 or so people here who do) have NO EDITORS that will work AT ALL. Not only that, but in like a year when we finally have a full port, that will be the ONLY one.
As for your uneducated comments:
1:There's an mpq framework which I already have. So that's one thing I don't have to worry about.
2:working out the chk format isn't that difficult. ISOM will be the hardest part, period.
3:mod compatibility is not an issue. Yes, I plan to implement it, but it's not one bit more difficult than having an editor read the starcraft files normally (since you have to do that to get the tiles and unit graphics anyway). I just add an option to read a custom patch file. Big deal.
4:'Perfect' StarEdit compatability isn't really possible if you use square terrain or any special features. However, if someone needs to use SCXE or something like that in order to do something to their map, then SCMD2 or SF or whatever other editor has failed. The point of a custom editor is so that you can do everything useful in mapmaking that is possible in SC, and if your editor, built from the ground up, can't do that, then you've wasted your time.
5:Autostack.. Well I'm not so sure what that does, but if it's like stacking in SF, then no, SCMD doesn't have that, nor will it ever. I probably wouldn't use it often, but I know there are mapmakers who do. (I knew a guy who made an RPG that used stack sunkens as a plant enemy).
Uhh what? I understand everything you're talking about, even though I don't use a Mac. That's the prime example of an ad hominem if I ever heard one. I don't know why you're attacking the fact that you'll have SCMD2 to work with. "Only one" sounds good compared to "none" as of current. SI/DW are really doing you a favor.
"Uneducated comments"? Buddy, from what it seems, you're honestly reaching here, resorting to ad/homs to try to argue with me. It doesn't work, I've already
proved why what you said was unfeasible.
1. Which .mpq framework? I highly doubt you coded it yourself, so that was my point. DW/SI use a custom one, that's why they can have a nifty backup database.
2. It's not difficult, and you have a place to start, and yes, ISOM will be the only thing you won't know... I never said it was. I said good luck catching up, especially with ISOM. You're really condescending here, implying that none of us here understand what you're talking about or the .chk format.
3. Yes, it's a pretty big deal. It's hard to coordinate everything that SC uses with what you're trying to do.
4. It's possible to a degree, and SCMD2 perfected it. It allows you to use the special features, but if you don't, it's still perfectly compatible. You're implying SCMD2 has failed; it's still being worked on and is really the best for anything not relating to MB's (read above post). SCMD2 is as much "built from the ground up" as possible, whatever you're trying to say here.
5. Why won't it ever have AutoStack? Are you completely out of points here, starting to fabricate
bullshiz that is completely wrong? It's planned, and I believe is actually already done, just not released yet.
Just stop it: SCMD2 is complete. The only thing it's really missing are MB's and AutoStack. You can't make a better one in a few months (even for Mac). Just use your time/effort on a protector instead.