(h3ih02 @ Feb 6 2006, 06:27 AM)
Wow Azu, you should think once in a while...
The only person on this forum who doesn't is h3ih02.
QUOTE(h3ih02 @ Feb 6 2006 @ 06:27 AM)
He means you can add races, you can play with Zerg, Terran, Protoss, and add the race Hookers if you wanted to...
And I mean.. wtf is the purpose of that?
QUOTE(h3ih02 @ Feb 6 2006 @ 06:27 AM)
People will want to make a mod to have buildings able to teleport people like nydus instead of just making a map with it...
Why? What's the point? It's very easy to do, even using normel staredit.
Look, if you dont understand what a mod is then dont go in the modding forum and talk like we're all idiots
1. you change more then the little attack and stuff in modding (you can even edit graphics)
2. this isnt use map settings, in use map settings you create triggers and locations, in modding you change units completely (even adding abilities like burrow to a probe if you wanted)
3. we know a few of these things can be done with triggers, but it works differantly in mods, example: instead of having a trigger move units near the building, they can stand beside it without being moved unless they right click on it to move "in" it
4. mods dont require use map settings and can be playd in melee with everything still working