Halo had over 230 secrets (easter eggs if you will).
Starcraft had over 500 secrets (sprites, hidden units, hidden scripts).
Secrets make the world go round.
If one knew all the joys and secrets of something without the journey of finding it, then there would be no point of playing it.
There are essentially two kinds of people, those who play the game to become elitists, and those who play the game to find glitches and secrets. Trigger viewer ruins the second genre of players.
I guess it's way more fun to get all the secrets at one time...
We all might as well make a map and then post in huge bold letters all of the secrets in the map from the beginning.
I am all for "Non-Protected" Maps.
They are way more beneficial. And it's sad that people have to horde information from others.
If/when, I release my maps, they will be unprotected. I don't see the purpose in holding out on people who are curious to learn.
AS for the trigger viewer... Keep it going! tongue.gif
We horde information? Why don't you check out the staredit map assistance forum and see how we are hording information.
Holding out information? Ha... literally every question asked in the staredit map assistance section is answered fully. The only questions that aren't answered are the ones that are obvious.
That's no excuse to keep such a revealing program.
http://www.staredit.net/index.php?tutorial=251 I found this nifty tutorial that Yoshi_Da_Sniper wrote on protection.
All valid points which are violated by trigger viewer.
So then, people who look for secrets could look for them on their own, and not use trigger viewer. I fail to see how this destroys anything.
Can you stop using all of these wisdom stories in 90% of your posts? It kind of get's annoying. He's right about the secret corrupting, what if there was a prize or something for winning (you get a password?) I could just open the map and list the password.
Getting rid of the Trigger Viewer won't do anything to solve this problem. You can open up a chk in Hex Workshop, and do a strings search, actually its FASTER then using Trigger Viewer, because you don't have to look through all the triggers.
Dang it, I hate map stealers. I wish them to burn in hell

.. This doesnt unprotect the map, and you cant steal the map. What is your point?