Well, no duh spelling errors and other blatant stuff would be annoying. However, are you saying that all maps with no errors, spelling and trigger, would get 15/15?
Aesthetics and Professionalism (15) - Did you use one type of tile and no text color? Are there mispellings distracting me at every turn with some poorly made triggers? Hopefully you can create something that looks and feels decent. I'm not asking for extensive extended terrain or hundreds of sprites, a map with a unique feel to it should score at least an easy 10.
If yes, then I take back everything I said, admitting that the scoring system is fair and reasonable, but the description for it was misleading.
If no, then I want to know what makes the difference between a 15 and an "easy 10." I don't want to hear the examples of pathetic maps that aren't fun anyways, I want to hear the difference between a 14 and a 15. Quite frankly, the entire thing is stupid.
I don't want to bicker over little specific details. I just want to know the truth behind this grading system, which at first glance implies giving a higher rating to maps that have more eye-candy.
Better yet, why do you even NEED this section? For the awful maps that won't make it anyways?
And fwop, I recognize that sometimes you may like to see worthless eye-candy and time wasted, as it does give a different impression, but I am saying it should not be part of a grading system.
On an unrelated note, I will never agree with you. The best map I ever played was made with no extra editors.