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Staredit Network -> StarForge -> Suggestions
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Heimdal on 2005-05-12 at 19:02:38
QUOTE(glytcher @ May 12 2005, 02:09 PM)
what about letting us choose our number tiles, like in a units properties u can change the unit number, what about doing that with terrain tiles?
and with that would extended tiles work? the last tile in badlands is 1664 - 15, what would happen if you could place beyong that? 2000 - 1...
How would you imagine this to be implemented? I.E., what would you have to do to bring it up, and how do you select the tile.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by glytchur on 2005-05-12 at 22:14:28
QUOTE(Heimdal @ May 12 2005, 06:02 PM)
How would you imagine this to be implemented?  I.E., what would you have to do to bring it up, and how do you select the tile.

perhaps a button at the top of the tileset palette that opens another little window where u can put the number of the tile u want, and the palette window scrolls to that number tile (if its in the palette)...

QUOTE((U)Bolt_Head @ May 12 2005, 05:50 PM)
Extended tiles crash starcraft,

The tile numbers repeat for differant tilesets. its not like Badlands is 1-100 and Jungle is 101-200. There both 1-100 but the tileset as a whole is referanced, This is why you can't mix tilesets.

i didnt know that, what about the tiles beyond all those that are associated to tilesets? i was thinkin of them like extended units, about 85% of them crash sc, but there are a few that do really weird and sometimes very usefull stuff...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Heimdal on 2005-05-13 at 12:54:36
QUOTE(Oo.ZeALoT.oO @ May 12 2005, 08:14 PM)
I think it would be cool( if possible) to be able to choose wether you want to type your triggers like how starforge is now, or you could choose to have the standard system like in the original editor and extra editor.[right][snapback]206992[/snapback][/right]

QUOTE(Me in first post)
Post suggestions in here. The request for a SE-Style trigger editor has been noted, so please do not post anything about that. Off-topic posts will be deleted.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Sniper on 2005-05-14 at 02:36:24
FIX THE CREATEUNITWITHPROPERTIES so it actually allows you to PUT PROPERTIES in there...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-05-14 at 08:57:03
Or you can use CUWP Slot Editor by Clokr_ in combination with SF and following this tutorial:
Report, edit, etc...Posted by The_Shattered_moose on 2005-05-14 at 11:51:15
I don't know if this is even possible, but modify the way units are selected for triggers as to allow selection by unit number, thus possibly allowing us to write triggers influencing hyper units.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)FaRTy1billion on 2005-05-14 at 15:19:53
The above idea would be also good if you had two units with the same name.
I could make a list of every unit and its number, but you could probably make that too.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chuiu on 2005-05-14 at 16:53:36
QUOTE(Mp)Sniper @ May 14 2005, 01:36 AM)
FIX THE CREATEUNITWITHPROPERTIES so it actually allows you to PUT PROPERTIES in there...

You can use SCMDraft 2, it gives you the same kind of freedom to use the same slots more than once and lets you control the values in them. Faster than using 2 different programs.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)FaRTy1billion on 2005-05-14 at 17:18:49
If you knew what each value was, could you use StarForge and put each one in?
Nevermind, it sets it to "1"
EDIT: Forgot to mention I'm talking about CUWP.

Also, about the idea of making the SF Trigger system use numbers instead of the unit names.
If possable make it so you can alternate between the string name of the unit, and the unit number.
Also I do not think that extended units could be effected by triggers (I may be wrong).

Unit Properties should show what unit is. So like you click a unit and make its unit type "65" then when you click somewhere else it will make it display "Zealot" instead of what it was before.
What about Extended Units that have no name? Make it so it just says "Extended" or something.

If you want that list of units, I have it completed. 0 thru 232. (Does it go any higher? Because 229 was a broodling.)

In the "Tips for power users" thing, I put the list of units. Here is a link. List
Here is the rest of that list:
229 = Any Unit
230 = Men
231 = Buildings
232 = Factories

These are only for triggers. (I'm guessing you already know all of this and you are saying "STfu farty, I know this already." But I am putting it anyways.)
If you are wondering about unit 228, This explains that.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by phlemhacker99 on 2005-05-15 at 17:58:16
dunno if this has been asked yet but here goes. it would be cool to be able to select more than one tile in the master pallete. i also found out that if i have sounds in my map i made in scxe and open it in sf they go away and i have to fint them again.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)FaRTy1billion on 2005-05-15 at 18:12:33
I know that this was asked in the post directly above this, but can you make it so you can drag over several tiles on the pallet so you can do stuff like this:

(Just in case you are wondering, I just cut out a screen shot of the pallet and drew that square on it.)

It would really help you place doodads and stuff.

Also make it so its like a brush that isn't saved, so the brush size will not affect it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kenoli on 2005-05-24 at 13:53:39
Make the move trigger up/down buttons work, those are very important.

Make lower units/sprites appear above the higher ones, like in starcraft.

When you have locations on top of eachother, you sometimes can't select the one you want. In the normal editor it goes with the smaller locations first, so you can click through the bigger ones on top.

Add a way to select all of certain unit or sprite. Like right click -> select all... -> select all of (Marines for P1) or (AnyUnit for Force1) or (Sprite #whatever)

Save all the autosave files to a certain folder. Like Maps/Autosave or something. It's always making autosaves in wierd places. (or I select the autosave file by mistake and it makes antoher one)

Having alot of units/sprites in view gets very laggy, any way to impove the speed?

Oh, and can you flip the left wall traps the right direction? smile.gif (or was it the right side ones...?)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)FaRTy1billion on 2005-05-24 at 18:28:18
QUOTE(Kenoli @ May 24 2005, 10:53 AM)
Make the move trigger up/down buttons work, those are very important.

Make lower units/sprites appear above the higher ones, like in starcraft.

When you have locations on top of eachother, you sometimes can't select the one you want. In the normal editor it goes with the smaller locations first, so you can click through the bigger ones on top.

Add a way to select all of certain unit or sprite. Like right click -> select all... -> select all of (Marines for P1) or (AnyUnit for Force1) or (Sprite #whatever)

Save all the autosave files to a certain folder. Like Maps/Autosave or something. It's always making autosaves in wierd places. (or I select the autosave file by mistake and it makes antoher one)

Having alot of units/sprites in view gets very laggy, any way to impove the speed?

Oh, and can you flip the left wall traps the right direction? smile.gif  (or was it the right side  ones...?)

Alot of thoes are stuff that has not yet been added, but the buttons and stuff are. Also with the location thing, use the list on the left side.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kenoli on 2005-05-24 at 21:00:45
I know it's not been added, thats why I'm suggesting it. (duh?)

And the trigger up/down buttons are there, but they don't actually do anything when you click them.

If you select it from the list you still can't resize it or move it, because you have to click on it to drag, and that will select the larger one again. (You can of corse move the bigger one, or change the location's coordinates, but it would be so much easier if you didn't have to do that)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)FaRTy1billion on 2005-05-25 at 21:25:19
"but the buttons and stuff are"
If the buttons and stuff are there, do not even bring them up tongue.gif your pretty much wasting your time. (Heimdal, if he ever does any more with StarForge, will add them)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Heimdal on 2005-05-25 at 22:44:47
What Farty is trying to say:
QUOTE(Heimdal @ Mar 17 2005, 03:34 PM)
I guess the first post wasn't really clear.  I'm looking for new ideas in this thread.  If a feature has obviously been thought of (i.e. the buttons are there) but hasn't been implemented, then it's not really a new suggestion.  I know there are a lot of these unimplemented features that are important to a lot of people, but I'm just asking for suggestions for new things in here.
(it's buried on page 2)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by in_a_biskit on 2005-05-27 at 09:09:48
Is this the place to report bugs?
You haven't got any of Players 20-28 in the trigger editor!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.Panzer.oO on 2005-05-27 at 10:36:01
well, heres a suggestion for starforge. well a two actualy. One, and probably the most important, PLEASE for the love of god, include doodads that dont act like sprites! its so annoying when u get a doodad, but then units can just walk through it. (ie a tree). and also, the second thing, make the help thing work. in my sf version the help thing up on the toolbar doesnt work (at all).
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Clokr_ on 2005-05-27 at 11:26:15
QUOTE(in_a_biskit @ May 27 2005, 02:09 PM)
Is this the place to report bugs?
You haven't got any of Players 20-28 in the trigger editor!

Those players have an special meaning in StarCraft like 'Force1' or 'All players'; so they are replaced by those.

QUOTE(Oo.Panzer.oO @ May 27 2005, 03:36 PM)
well, heres a suggestion for starforge. well a two actualy. One, and probably the most important,  PLEASE for the love of god, include doodads that dont act like sprites! its so annoying when u get a doodad, but then units can just walk through it. (ie a tree). and also, the second thing, make the help thing work. in my sf version the help thing up on the toolbar doesnt work (at all).

A doodad is terrain+sprite. Just load the brushes for the right tileset and place the terrain part of the desired doodad. Then place the right sprite over it and it should work. Alternatively you can add them with SCXE or SCMD2. To do it with SCXE use SCMIE so you don't lose the rest of sprites...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)FaRTy1billion on 2005-05-28 at 01:04:13
Ever been making a map, and then you save it and you go into Starcraft and it says its corrupted, so your like "wtf?"
So you open it in StarEdit (or SCXE) to see if you can find the problem, and it wont open?
Well I just had an idea that may help this.

Add a feature that is completely optional that saves a file Like:

in other words; so it will save a backup. then a while later it saves another, but with a different name (the '.bk_')
Then if your map gets corrupted, you can go through all the more recent backups and find out where it got corrupted, and fix it.

Also, just to help with deleting maybe a function that deletes them after a while (like a week or something, just so that folder doesn't end up with 300 backups)
or just add a "Delete all backups" button that clears the folder.
I don't know, this maybe just another stupid idea of mine...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Heimdal on 2005-05-28 at 16:52:58
People are already complaining about having too many backup files laying around. Some sort of archival system (like if they were all stored in the same MPQ) might make it feasible though.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)FaRTy1billion on 2005-05-28 at 17:31:36
They were complaining because they are lying around because as you go through folders that is where they go.

But my idea that is why I said make them save in a "/Starforge/data/Backup/" folder, or a custom backup folder.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Felagund on 2005-06-01 at 21:07:14
Yes, it's already been said (most likely), but keep sprites attached to terrain (i.e. doodads) from being removed when opening in StarEdit.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snipe)r( on 2005-06-14 at 10:52:04
can u plz fix this ISOM
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)FaRTy1billion on 2005-06-23 at 18:02:06
Wow, there hasn't been many suggestions recently.

Anyways, Could you add two options somewhere:
Disable/Enable units and sprites showing on the main screen
Disable/Enable units showing on the minimap.

I like how in older versions of StarForge the minimap would never be cluttered with dots of units so you could see the terrain and find stuff in large maps easyer. (But back then I wished they showed units).

Also on the main screen, it would be nice because then you could see the terrain and not have to remove the units and then replace them.

Wow, another so fast?

Add a second lighter grid. (By lighter, I mean a lighter color so you can tell the difference between the two). The reason for this would be so you could have it like this:

1st grid *enabled*
Spacing X=32
Spacing Y=32
Offset X=0
Offset Y=0

2nd grid *enabled*
Spacing X=32
Spacing Y=32
Offset X=16
Offset Y=16

(Your probably thinking Why not just have it 16x16)

Well, the actual point is so you could use the first one (a darker color) as a guidline to show where the grid should be, and the lighter one so that you can place it in a more defined area.

Like with buildings, you either keep changing the grid (spacing X and Y = 32) so they are placed normally, or you put it on 16x16 and get confused.

EDIT: Another reason for this, wouldn't it be nice to have two grids so that it isn't always a huge grid of perfect squares? I think so.
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