Alright, im here again to reply to whatever people said.
Where the hell did you come from?
I don't read the site. But people on my MSN list do, and they give me links sometimes to things they think I should read. One person in peticular asked me to reply here.
I am really surpriseh how so many people can do NOT READ CAREFULLY the tread. And thus repeating themselves over and over again...
I only came in to give my reasons for supporting it. I don't have time to go through 5 pages of this stuff. No need to go crazy on me, I'm just coming in here and explaining why what I did was the most logical course of action. It seems everyone else has either forgotton or ignored my policies and why I set them, so I was just explaining it again.
BUT there are ways for make ALL PEOPLE happy.
There isn't. I carefully thought through SENs policies and its the closest you'll get to making people happy. You can never make everyone happy, because there are people who are extreme as to having all maps open and editable, and theres the other side which has people who want maps to be protected and unopenable by anybody.
If we were to make an unprotector editor making all protections useless that everyone can edit, then the side which wants the protectors wouldn't be happy.
If we were to not support map viewers and prevent any type of unprotection and viewing type program to edit the website and such, then that would make the people who want to view and edit maps unhappy.
Really. There is no way to make everyone happy. So, you try to make everyone happy. Even the both extremes can agree its better than nothing. Having a map viewer makes the protectors go "well, okay, as long as they dont edit it", and the unprotectors go "well, okay, at least I can view it to learn whatever from it".
Just because maps are protected does not mean the information is hoarded. Because of our Experimental maps section, our Map Assistance forums, our Concepts forums, and our tutorials database, I don't see how any information is hoarded.
I'm not saying we're hoarding information. But if someone developed a cool new trick or technique, and they left their map protected, it would be impossible for anyone to find out how to do it. If the person who discovered hyper triggers protected their map and decided to keep the technique to themselves, because it was "their" triggering technique, we wouldn't be using that in all the maps we have today.
So I would like to see Yoshi da Sniper here again.
I will show up occationally, but my future project is more important. I'll only come when I'm directed by someone on my msn list, so if you really want to get a hold of me, make a topic in null or something, and eventually I'll find out.
A lot of the policies you see here were CAREFULLY thought out and I weighed the benifits vs the bad. I managed to generally make everything for the majorities benifit, although not everyone may have realized it when I first put these things in place.