It was moved to the Null

(It's now on the second page of the Null, I think.)
@Everybody else?
Click the ad at least once

I already did, tried to get an AMD Athlon 3700+, but kept redirecting me to crap. Sort of knew I wouldn't have got it, but at least I helped SEN out.
And a dedicated server sounds sexy

I like the idea of ads, especially if it keeps SEN up and running.
Might I suggest a way to present it? Put it as a 'post' such as the one in the screenshot attached. It flows much smoother. By no means am I suggesting that much space for the ads, but the technique of showing it as a post is one that works well in that community.
PLEASE NO! if you want to put ads anywhere in the forums, put them between the fast reply and the black bar.
I cant unblock only SEN's google ads because they are blocked by the filter pagead*.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js. When I sell my computer I built (soon), I will donate $60.
Note: $1 for you. The installer acesses the internet after you install. That computer needed FF anyway.
QUOTE(ZderFCP @ Apr 3 2006, 11:32 AM)
Personally I feel that it's about damn time we got some ads here anyway. Makes the site look more professional.[right][snapback]458596[/snapback][/right]
No? SEN Looked "professional" before the ads. Because of the horribly placed ads though it makes it look like someone sucks at placement ideas (No harm intended). If DTBK (or whoever said it) was refering to the complaining people as the people who want to move the ad to the side or at the bottom, it's not like our life is over because it's in the way. It just looks stupid, it would work a lot better at the last post of every thread or in between where it says "Post new topic" and "Staredit Network > Blah > Blah"
I don't think a professional look was on the priority list in getting ads.

most of us are under age, so no, not everyone can help pay for the site, I'd have to say that almost nobody can pay for it.
Pardon? Nothing is stopping anybody here from stuffing cash in an envelope and mailing it to IP. It's how I sent my money (actually it was a check).Sending cash by mail is illegal in the US (for liability reasons). But, we won't say nothin if you don't say nothin.

QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Apr 3 2006, 03:30 PM)
Sending cash by mail is illegal in the US (for liability reasons). But, we won't say nothin if you don't say nothin.

Wtf? Because people might take it...?
Also there's a lot of things stopping people DTBK. First off, like I just said it can be taken if ripped. So you just lost 10 dollars and didn't help anyone (The thought does not count). Not to mention people who don't really understand the whole letter sending idea when they ask there parents (Since most people on the site are barley hitting 13) do you think "I'm sending money to this internet fourm" is really going to sound nice to parent's ears? I don't think so. They'll probably tell them not to waste money. Also where does IP live? I don't think he's going to start telling everyone is phone and addreas to random people who want to donate. Not to mention if he lives across the country, what are the chances of it getting there safetly?
Yes, I might find the advertisments annoying occasionally, but for the greater point I won't mind. Whatever adds I see pop-up is ok with me.
I second PCFred on the professional look. If a random person came by to this site by some weird link, then I don't think that they would look to the forums first thing and see how active this site really is. Ads gives SEN the "free-pay" look.
I don't mind the ads but I recommend you put them OVER the first post. It would get MORE attention that way to non-members and that stuff, the majority of visitors. It looks more sightly and not so blunt.
Like what? Move the add reply buttons to the left, and use that space on the right for the ads?
And I appreciate the notion, but you don't need to send me cash

I'll work on the ad placement tomorrow... When I have off of work.
Like do what I suggested a few pages ago?:

Like just put it under the fast reply.
Yes GoldenFist got it perfectly. It looks much more sightly, because theres no void at the left and right of the ad and it blends in so much better. I think it will get MORE attention now that it isn't so blunt. Sure, more people will "notice" the ad when it's under the first post, but I'm pretty sure they will pass it right by unless there are trying to read the first and second post at the same time.
What if I delete the "Track this topic Email this topic" Print this topic buttons and put it under the topic title?
Still breaking the flow. Inbetween "X Pages" and "Fast reply," "Add reply," on the bottom would be best.
Well rexy, no one would see it there. Why talk about breaking the flow on something nobody is going to see when you can delete the ad all together. I don't like ads, but at least IP will get some money if they are clicked more often. IP deserves to "profit" off of this site for all his hard work coding, moding the forums, and working all this stuff out.
.......Ok......well, im Not donating shiz. and if this is some gay attempt to get donations out of Ppl, (which you already said it isnt, dont worry, i Dont believe you anyway =) GL Getting dons' out of me, kthx.
Be quiet Lyon, IP is not the guy that scams people out of their money.
QUOTE(DEAD @ Apr 3 2006, 12:37 PM)
What are you talking about? A green ad under each 1st post in a page makes the site look professional? Thats weird...
I mean just having ads.
The thing is, every major Staredit site except SEN had ads. Even though ads look amateur on a professional level, they actually make SEN look more sensical.
I'm not talking about the ads that go under the 1st post in each page though, that's just kinda weird.
QUOTE(Mp)Lyon @ Apr 3 2006, 05:37 PM)
.......Ok......well, im Not donating shiz. and if this is some gay attempt to get donations out of Ppl, (which you already said it isnt, dont worry, i Dont believe you anyway =) GL Getting dons' out of me, kthx.
I'm not asking, kthx.
Doesn't it sort of ruin the point of the ads if they're going to be in a place where nobody clicks them? Don't they only help the site if they are clicked on frequently?
I don't see why you're all complaining about those banner ads. I think the biggest issue is this:
Well, I don't mind the ads. Since my computer is such a pile and I tend to get a lot of them I tend to ignore them.
QUOTE(IsolatedPurity @ Apr 3 2006, 04:14 PM)
What if I delete the "Track this topic Email this topic" Print this topic buttons and put it under the topic title?
I think that would blend great with the skin.
QUOTE(Mp)Lyon @ Apr 3 2006, 04:37 PM)
.......Ok......well, im Not donating shiz. and if this is some gay attempt to get donations out of Ppl, (which you already said it isnt, dont worry, i Dont believe you anyway =) GL Getting dons' out of me, kthx.
Glad to know you couldn't care less about anybody besides yourself.