QUOTE(HolySin @ Mar 14 2006, 06:05 AM)
Hitler was a genius, twisted in morality, but still genius. Hitler gained power because he spoke out the feelings of defeated Germany. He was an excellent orator, giving him his charisma. He made promises to the Germans, and he actually carried out his promises such as :getting his people homes, getting them food, etc. However, in doing so, he broke every provision of the Treaty of Versailles. He was very intelligent in warfare, it wasn't simply sudden knowledge, nevertheless, he was a genius in warfare.
His opinions on superiority were caused by his environment. He studied under a professor who told him that a country must conquer all the other other countries in order to survive. Also, this may sound demented, but he had reason to hate the Jewish. Of course, it's a very poor reason. The Jewish controlled the banks and were targeted for any economic problems. It wasn't just Hitler who hated the Jewish, they were hated by the majority of Germany. His twisted morality wasn't sudden, he gradually acquired it through his surroundings.
People say Hitler was so horrible for killing about two-thirds of the Jewish population in Europe, but most of the time fail to see how much more horrible Stalin was to his own people. If you were to compare Hitler to himself to some other leaders, you would probably think Hitler was a "good guy".
Yes, Hitler was a genius, but pure evil? No. He simply carried out the wishes of the majority of Germany.
I dont think he was a genious in warfare. ha mede some VERY BIG mistakes:
-ordered Luftwaffe to taget English cityes when English air forces were allmost defeted. this gave the English Air force time to regroup & defeat Luftwaffe in the future.
-in Russia, he recalled an army group that was allmost in moscow, he told it to go to Leningrad. When it got there (in Rusiian winter) Hitler told it to go back, wasting
this army's capabilities. It could get to moscow if Hitler hadn't interfeared.
-He could invade russia a bit later, when all the european countries would be taken over, so he doesent have to fight on 2 front's. but he was in a hurry becawse of something. he could wait, becawse he had a "non gression pact" with russia.
QUOTE(HolySin @ Mar 19 2006, 12:07 AM)
Russia was a great source for resources and it had no trained army. He only had trouble with Russia because Stalin ordered his people to burn down cities that German forces where going to.
actually russian army defeated germans becawse of HUGE PATRIOTIC FEELINGS, STALIN CALLED UP TO.