Sniper doesnt die. He will reside forever in the 16th layer of hell. His days will be filled with woe and karmic suffering.
Gradius is upset to discover anthrax spores in, what was otherwise a very enjoyable Tom Clancy novel.
Yae gets eaten by the queen.
Tearshed gets sprayed in the face with hydrochloric acid and then eaten by a horde of badgers.
Damaris is killed by aHHH Snake a snake a snake! OHHHHH it's a snake!
[center]^Smited by the hand of gawd!^[/center]
Gets his eyeballs pecked out by a turtle.
I own ham so bad he refuses to go on. He pays maddox 25$ and gets beat to death.
[center]Green Peace kidnaps koala-Syphon, but noone cares so they sacrafice him.[/center]
[center]I'm the only one on the block with a remote detonating mailbox.
^Smited by the hand of nuclearrabbit!^[/center]
Smited Nuclear Rabbit by my all mighty hand all the down to the lake of fire(Enternal damnation(Hell is not enternal damnation(Its just where the devil is hiding(That blam(Hmm blam(LOL I SAID blam(blams an kickass word(blamyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy(Ok im done)))))
[center] *nuclearrabbit gives Yae a remote detonating comppy.*
Explodes in face(Whips off ashs)
*Ripes out Nuclears throat*
I go to ninja school, upon graduation I ninja around europe for a few months, while in the sisteen chapel I rip out yae's vocal cords and give him a quick bare handed heart ripout, show it to him then leave him for dead. Not even Benedict notices.
Then will your thought you ripped out my heart it was actully a Peice of steak cuz you will find i have no heart
Open syphon finding out i have no heart i comptletly obliterate him to damnation by stapling his thumb becuse he knew 2 much
Me:Hmm Cheese Cake...Cheese Cake(Light bulb Shines)I AM CHEESE CAKE MAN!
*Slaps an CHeese cake down toof fairys Mouth and he chockes*
Beat to death with pies for stealing my schtick.
His death is influenced by violent cartoons (especially the cat in my signature).
The cat in your signature goes on a rampage and serves you. You kill yourself shortly afterward.
Someone creates an "I'm leaving" thread for Wilhelm and he drops off the face of the earth, literally.