Every time he makes a posts, he starts and ends it with:
For those of you who haven't noticed.
Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I consider this spam. ESPECIALLY since he is in both Armies and Zerg Pets.
EDIT: Also, he never posts in forums where you don't get minerals. I wouldn't care if it was just a couple of posts, but it is ALL his posts.
warn up, minerals removed, pm sent, suspended posting abilities for a day.
a warn just for having bars? just a verbal warning should have been fair enough
Its an admin notes thing now, remember?

but posting abilities removed?
Hmm... maybe that was a bit excessive, but I told him before to stop. I was thinking this would get my point across (its just no posting for a day).
Oh... if you told him to stop and he kept on doing it, by all means it was necessary

And I also requested before that he stop.
This reminds me. Isolated did you ever finish those user notes section. That would be really helpfull for things like this where a person ends up with every mod warning him and none of the mods know about the other.