QUOTE(MaThRiX(U) @ Feb 19 2005, 11:26 PM)
Starforge > SCMDRAFT, the only thing I hate about Starforge is when you open a map, you lose your wavs, and if you had doodads on your map, you lose 'em too!
There are ways around that. Just import the sound in StarForge. I usually delte everything in the name (the directory and stuff) except for the name of the file. It crashes every sound editor except for StarForgeds, but you can still do those things in Forge, and it won't mess up if you open it in SCXE,, then Forge again.
SCMD fizes doodads from Forge. if you don't want it fixed, I usually switch one tile with it's high terrain equivalent or something. If you use the two together, they're great. StarForge let's you do much more with sprites than SCMD. I can't evenselect placed sprites in SCMD, but Forge let's you move them around and set them to
disabled??or something. That allows some neat stacking unit glitches,

. However, Forge doesn't allow you to place units based on the way they aer allowed to be placed in StarCraft, I hate having unit unplaceble because I can't place a unit in the right place with StarForge. SCMD also has isometrical terrain that works much more fluently than Forges. However, it doesn't have a custom brush. I just switch between the two constantly for terrain. Therefore, if you use them alone, it's much more trouble tham it's worth, but using them together is great.
If Heim and SI were to work on one editor, they'd have to start over, or base opn one of them, adn they'd need to agree on the set-ups of everythign and stuff. Having both editors is fine. The two can compete, and therefore they ill try harder and incorporate the best features they se in the other editor, so instead of one mediocre editor, there are two very strong compatible Über editors.