Alrighty, when Ibp 2.1 comes out and we start over from scratch, are we just going semi-redo the layout while we're at it? Not necessarily the top part, but the rest of the site. Like, I got some ideas... I'll try to make a test skin with some rough sketches.
How exactly would we be doing this? Is it possible to move the entire public_html directory into like a sub directory /public_html/old/ and install the board in the main directory with a fresh database and just import the db as we go along? or what.
With this fresh start, assuming I have the time, I want to see every line of code that goes into the board. I'm not sure if that sounds bad or not
. I just want to keep the php, css, queries as light and efficent as possible. I also want to finish one section at a time before moving on to the next. I think we just add crap and move on too fast to other areas before making sure the code is complete. So, we could start with the general layout and portal page... and then move on from there. I know when I first started out, I put some crappy code into the site. That's why you get like 52 queries in the topic listing... And I know there's lots of redunant code laying around that serves no purpose...
With this general idea of clean code, I want to keep extra mods from altering the main code as much as possible. I'm mostly thinking about how index.php declares a function class from mujii pets for seemingly no reason.
Also, the member table is ugly as hell. There's no reason for non-global data to be in such a global table. Armies, mydir, arcade, some of the shoutbox data possibly could all be in another table. I don't know about the rest, but that table especially is crapified.
Instead of doing the whole exporting added code idea (which is a nice idea and could possibly used to some extent), we could each keep a change log that contains the old code. Example...
// SEN : <name> : <log line numbers that contain the old code> : <reason for change>
or something? I don't know. But besides that, backing up all the files one would change before applying whatever code. So like, before applying the favorite smilies mod, all files that would be changed would go in a backup folder on the ftp in root like /Backup/Favorite Smilies - Yoshi - 2.6.5 or something similiar
before the code changes the files. That way, if we ever need to reverse something, we could easily compare the files with a version before or after that directory.
I also want to get away from installing crappy mods like custom pages and custom profiles. Custom profiles especially looks like the
tiest code ever, next to the raffle system of course
. Most mods are built to be flexible and that makes a lot of unnecessary code and sh it such as.
Alrighty, I generally like to keep things secretive until I realease it, but I have a couple of nice ideas in mind that I probably won't do until we get this version started.
- New PM notifications: You'll see more of the message and have easier options, such as, instant reply from the box itself.
- Alternative PM system for game challenges, mod alerts, etc... concepts for this aren't thought out yet.
- New FAQ script for all the forum faq's as well as the default invision board help topics. When making a new FAQ, there would be an option to notify members on a session create that they haven't read a particular FAQ yet. You could close this pm notification, but it'll pop up again each time you log in / start a new session. This would only be used for important guidelines and such.
- Ability to customize the non-javascript menu.
I guess I have high hopes