If you're making a special effect like a poofy hallucinated cloud comes out and shows that your unit has been leveled or healed or at least something has to do with the poofy cloud at land and you see a unit which is noticable for half a second then try burrowed hallucinated unit, then do the kill trigger then it won't be seen at all.
Info 1:
Instead making scourges like how Ðeathknight made his waterfall to make the poofy splash, try doing a trigger with create cloaked hallucinated wraith in a kill trigger, makes a bit more better
Info 2:
If info 1 doesn't work properly, then try doing creating a cloaked hallucinated wraith at somewhere else in the map, then do the teleport trigger to the waterfall, then make the splash.
this should be in the concept forum... unless you need help with this
Assistance is for asking questions, not giving answers when nobody asks.
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Doesn't anyone know how to use the report function?
You do? Good job.
QUOTE(krazydrunkking @ Feb 14 2005, 06:49 PM)
Info 1:
Instead making scourges like how Ðeathknight made his waterfall to make the poofy splash, try doing a trigger with create cloaked wraith in a kill trigger, makes a bit more better
Info 2:
If info 1 doesn't work properly, then try doing creating a cloaked wraith at somewhere else in the map, then do the teleport trigger to the waterfall, then make the splash.
Cloaked halucination? Not possible.
QUOTE(chuiu_os @ Feb 14 2005, 07:57 PM)
Cloaked halucination? Not possible.
Well he never said to use hallucinations. Just to make cloaked air units to create the wavy kind of effect. I like hallucinations better though. More watery.
Read his post again.
create cloaked wraith in a kill trigger, makes a bit more better
In a kill trigger? Why would make an explosion for a waterfall? Must be a halucination for a splash effect.
then do the teleport trigger to the waterfall, then make the splash.
Again, implying the use of halucination to create a splash effect.
Maybe he wanted orange wanter effect? Just kidding.
Yes, you're right.
I could be correct if we discused futher because he never stated having cloaked hallucinations.
I would use a cloaked observer. The problem that it has is that it cloaks one second after the map starts, so it is killed before it cloaked, what makes you able to see the shadow...
Does anyone read the thread anymore?
QUOTE(chuiu_os @ Feb 14 2005, 08:33 PM)
Read his post again.
In a kill trigger? Why would make an explosion for a waterfall? Must be a halucination for a splash effect.
Again, implying the use of halucination to create a splash effect.
lol its death water, jk.
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm oh yea uh what is the sprite u guys usually use for water falls? and i never thought of using wraiths for a watery effect, good idea.
observers take liek 1 second to theyll never cloak if they die that quick...
when map revealers they make a poof?
or you can ge an observer somewhere else first then teleprot and go "Poof"
No, Clork_ already said that. And I already said halucinated units cannot be cloaked so it is pointless.
oh...but map revealers are not even on the map...well technically they are but you cant even see them...(no shadow for the cloak...)
Observers will do, I tryed Hallucinated them in a melee game, they weren't attack until a overlord came by. Observers Work, if you don't believe me then try it.
Yeah but you have to wait for them that initial second to cloak.
Yes I know but look at INFO 2, if you're lazy to scroll up then read this:
Create a Hallucinated Observer anywhere at the move, teleport it to the waterfall and do the kill trigger onto the observer.
Yeah except for the fact that it says wraith and not observer.
The thing is, if you have to teleport from elsewhere it's almost not even practical. :/
....just take away the word wraith and replace it with observer
QUOTE(chuiu_os @ Feb 17 2005, 11:29 AM)
Yeah except for the fact that it says wraith and not observer.
The thing is, if you have to teleport from elsewhere it's almost not even practical. :/
But that doesn't mean it doesn't work. This will be very useful in my Mage Tactics because if you lag while casting the summoning spell, it will let you see the shadow of the scourge
Edit - Wrong quote