Bandwidth usage 77323.56 / 100000 MB
, we're just barely over midpoint on the month by 2 days. Wtfage?
Oh... wow...
I was thinking Entropy wasn't doing anything. I guess I was wrong.
So uh... yoshi... what's the plan?
Thats stupid, you can't veiw it unless your a member. Screw that then.
That isn't it. Our bandwidth never reset from last month I think.
Tell our host that... and if they still say we dont go over the limit, we'll shut down the downloads database for the remainder of the month when it hits 90gigs.
You should have logs of every where the bandwidth is going, compare them to the previous month and see if they are about the same size or if they are about where they should be for this month.
Actually, I think the problem is I thought the payment due date already passed. It isn't for another 2 days yet. I'm guessing the bandwidth will be reset then.